
Grumpy Old Tother

Who is Regan Lauscher, and why should we NFL jerseys care?
Actually, Regan is an Olympian luger from Calgary who's training in Whistler, B.C. and posted a recent blog at ctvolympics.ca that has the whole country buzzing.
It seems poor Regan is upset because she doesn't feel the good citizens of Whistler have captured the Olympic spirit and that too many of them are concerned about piddly matters associated with the Games, such as environmental damage and cost overruns.
Note to Regan: Welcome to the real world.
Olympic shills come in many forms - athletes, politicians, media, etc. But too often, they come across as crackpot dictators in their insistence that the Games are good for everybody.
Maybe it's the fact that our two week Canadian summer is over and we're now braced for another icy winter.
Perhaps, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, comes the knowledge that a delicious turkey dinner also means an entire day of in-laws.
Or it could be that, suffering from a mid-life crisis, I recently had my hair dyed and I now look as if I've got a dead beaver sitting on my head.
Whatever the reason, the ol' Tother is a tad grumpy these days; a fact reflected in the following gripes.
"You vill go to zee Games.....and you vill enjoy zee Games!"
But in the interests of balance and democracy, the anti-Olympic voice needs to be heard without the fear of being branded unpatriotic if you're not that pumped about the upcoming show in Vancouver.
In Chicago, for example, a huge citizen coalition rose up to protest the city's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics; a bid, of course, that ultimately failed.

"All of that fuss and that's all the kid gets?," some of you are saying.
But the real joke was that the case made it to court in the first place; something that never would have happened if Jonathan Roy didn't happen to be the son of legendary NHL puckstopper Patrick Roy.

Look people.....this whole issue was blown way out of proportion. Take a look at the footage again and you'll see that what once was decried by hockey-haters as "horrific" is actually kind of humorous.

Sure, Roy Jr. skates down the ice and rips the other guy's mask off before pounding away. But as an ex-goalie myself, albeit a lousy one, I can tell you that nobody can rip off your mask unless you let it happen. True, the coach of Roy's punching bag apparently instructed the kid not to fight back, but with 50 pounds of equipment on his carcass there was no way he was in danger of getting hurt. In fact, the whole episode looks like a wrestling match between a couple guys in those goofy Sumo suits people wear during play fights at the local carnival.

Club somebody over the head with a hockey stick and you usually get off with a few minutes in the sin bin.

But beat up the Michelin Man, and if his dad happens to be famous, you could wind up in court.

Thanks to the explosion of fantasy sports and the anonymity provided by the Blogosphere, these guys are everywhere.
Take some of the yo-yo's who follow the Toronto Blue Jays.
If you listen to these beauties they are:
1. Better broadcasters than anybody this side of Vin Scully.
2. More capable of running a Major League dugout than Cito Gaston.
3. Totally prepared to take over as GM now that J.P. Ricciardi has hit the road.
Earth to yo-yo's:
Being a solid broadcaster involves a lot more than being able to recite Tony Fernandez's career fielding percentage.
You can't get two World Series rings by digging to the bottom of that box of Cracker Jacks your Grandpa bought you at the game.
And just because you convinced your fantasy league buddy to trade you Albert Pujols for Lyle Overbay, it doesn't mean you can swing that kind of deal in the big leagues.
In other words, you crazy yo-yo's, the land of "Know-it-all's" should strictly be reserved for sportscasters with really bad dye jobs.
It was easy for Obama and Oprah to throw their support behind the Olympic movement in the Windy City. After all, the President is the person who collects the taxes and the talk show host makes so much money that sharing the Winfrey wealth with Uncle Sam isn't a big deal. But Chicago's working class looked at decaying schools and rundown hospitals in their city and decided the I.O.C. should really take their show to Rio.
I'm sure Regan Lauscher is enjoying wiling away her Whistler afternoons laying on her back and sliding down a really big track.
But while she's having fun taking part in a sport that's nothing more than unsafe tobogganing in my books, there's a healthy Olympic debate going on that's a tad more important than somebody putting on a pout because she's not getting enough pats on the back from her new neighbours.
Wednesday, Roy pleaded guilty to beating up a fellow goalie during a junior hockey game in Quebec last year.....and was promptly given an absolute discharge so he can continue to pursue his music career in the U.S.


Leading by example

Enter the interesting case of NBA Jerseys Jose Bautista, pencilled in as the No. 1 hitter this spring and manager Cito Gaston's top choice to open the season offensively on April 5 in Arlington, Texas.
And through the first seven games of the Grapefruit League schedule Bautista has done nothing but hit: collecting four doubles, three home runs and six RBI in his first 14 at-bats. The 22 total bases and a ridiculous 1.571 slugging percentage are both tops among all spring hitters.
Traditionally, the leadoff hitter showcases good strike zone awareness, ability to hit to all fields, above average speed and occasional power. Under that criteria Rickey Henderson and Ichiro Suzuki were, and are, the prototypical leadoff hitters. Make no mistake; people will never confuse Bautista with those current and future Hall of Famers. But on this Blue Jays roster, on a team that not a lot is expected of, and on a roster where few jobs are guaranteed, his sizzling start to the exhibition at least gives fans something to talk about.
Gaston has grown quite fond of the 29-year-old utility player. Bautista arrived in Toronto two months after Gaston returned to replace John Gibbons as Blue Jays manager in 2008. And although he has been a spare part during his 134 game career in Toronto, the departure of Marco Scutaro via free agency finally opened up a spot atop the Jays' batting order. Fresh in the manager's mind, also, is the fact that Bautista led all Blue Jays hitters with 10 home runs and 20 runs scored in the team's final 26 games last season.
While Bautista might not be an ideal lead-off hitter, his scorching bat, even though it's only spring training, needs to swing at as many pitches as possible.
Now let's not kid ourselves; based upon his career regular season stats no one in their right mind can expect Bautista to continue to hit at this clip in April -- certainly not from a guy who is a career .238 hitter. But at when examining his career splits, Bautista's average in the leadoff spot jumps up to .275, his best average in any spot in the order where he has more than 100 at-bats. Certainly, statistically, batting leadoff agrees with Bautista.
The line on the transactions page might have been overlooked if not for the length of the last name: Nomar Garciaparra. On Wednesday the all-star shortstop returned to where it all began, re-signing with the Red Sox a mere 16 years after the club selected him in the first round (12th overall) in the 1994 draft.
And then he retired.
At the height of his 14 season career, Garciaparra was one of the top hitters in the game. He was the 1997 American League Rookie of the Year thanks to a league-high 209 hits and five times finished in the top 10 of the MVP voting. He also won back to back batting titles in 1999 and 2000 and was named an All-Star six times. A solid career, indeed.
Now let's not kid ourselves; based upon his career regular season stats no one in their right mind can expect Bautista to continue to hit at this clip in April -- certainly not from a guy who is a career .238 hitter. But at when examining his career splits, Bautista's average in the leadoff spot jumps up to .275, his best average in any spot in the order where he has more than 100 at-bats. Certainly, statistically, batting leadoff agrees with Bautista.
But what Garciaparra will be remembered for the most was his quirkiness. Whether he was kissing his bat in the dugout before an at-bat, or tapping his toes numerous times in the batter's box during each plate appearance, he was just an odd duck. He also developed the first recorded case of OCBGA (Obsessive Compulsive Batting Glove Adjustment), in which, after every pitch, he would un-strap and strap his gloves numerous times at a blistering pace.

Baseball has long been a game of superstitions, but Garciaparra took it to the next level.
But for as good, statistically, as Nomar performed, he was always overshadowed at his position by his Yankees counterpart Derek Jeter. While Garciaparra was putting up some all-world numbers, Jeter was stock-piling World Series titles. And when the Red Sox finally vanquished the Yankees and went on to claim its first World Series championship in 2004, Garciaparra was nowhere to be found, having been traded at the July 31 deadline that season to the Cubs. For the remaining five seasons of his stellar career, Nomar did a lot more watching than playing as he made nine different trips to the disabled list after leaving Boston.


Go ahead, slap me

Paul Newman's Age: NBA jerseys I could never get past the idea of Paul Newman playing hockey with gray hair. It always bothered me for some reason. Heck, I even discounted the last six years of Ron Francis' NHL career because of my gray hair bias. But I guess I have a problem with sports movies in general because I watch them with such a critical eye. I was supposed to believe that a slightly pudgy Kevin Costner could blow a fastball past someone when he starred in (insert random Costner baseball movie here). But to the trained eye, it was damn clear that Costner just looked like the guy at the carnival desperate to impress his girlfriend with a pitch that would break the state speed limit. In the case of Slapshot, I think I would be way to critical of Newman's ability to forecheck and play the trap.

The Hanson Brothers: When someone mentions the Hanson Brothers, my first thought automatically goes to that androgynous pre-teen boy band who forced Mmmmm...Bop into my brain for a seven week period back in 1997. And sadly, they might be more tolerable than the hockey-playing Hanson Brothers. Is there another group of celebrities - aside from Joan Rivers/Richard Simmons/Verne Troyer/Screech/Tom Green/Olsen Twins/Rosie/Gary Coleman - that has overstayed their welcome in the public eye? I don't think so. (And confession No. 2 in this blog: Mmmmm...Bop still drifts into my brain every few weeks).
I have a confession that will send ripples across the hockey world.

Yours truly - the man who covers the Ottawa Senators on a daily basis - has never watched the movie Slapshot.

You would think this would be some sort of required viewing before entering our industry on a full-time basis. Every few weeks, someone at the rink makes a Slapshot reference. I usually just act like I know the inside joke and I quickly change the subject.

But I'm finally sick of living the lie.

I'm done pretending to know who Ogie Oglithorpe is when I'm in large group situations. While I'm clearing my chest, I want everyone to know that I don't ever intend on watching the movie.

And before you come at me with some foil-covered knuckles, please read my four reasons why I am not planning on watching Slapshot.

Terrible Sequels: When the sequels go directly to DVD, that is usually a pretty big red flag for me. You can find Slapshot II & III on the shelf next to great sports movies like MVP (Most Valuable Primate), Kazam (starring Shaq) and Ed - the heartwarming story of how a chimpanzee resurrected the pitching career of Matt LeBlanc.

So if anyone can come up with just one good reason for me to watch Slapshot, I'm totally willing to listen. Until then, I'll be busy spending my holiday season watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas. (And yes, that's the Jim Carrey version. I only recently learned that they did an animated version of that movie once upon a time).

My Age: I was exactly seven weeks old when Slapshot originally hit the movie theaters in February 1977. Watching movies from 30 years ago is totally fine - if you watched them when you were a kid. But if you haven't seen the movie before, it's usually an exercise in weirdness. Would you recommend Jaws to scare the hell out of someone who never watched it before? Probably not. They would just laugh at the ridiculously obvious mechanical shark and the fake blood in the water. Adolescent boys aren't lining up outside of Rogers Video right now to rent the original Debbie Does Dallas for the very same reason. It would just be plain weird. And unfortunately for me, Slapshot falls into this category.


Top 10 questions

1. Did the Senators choke against the Penguins?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: No. Squandering a three-goal lead on home ice in an elimination game is indefensible. So from that standpoint, Ottawa's Game 6 loss belongs in the same category as other failures in franchise history. (Paging Ricard Persson and Jeff Friesen). But in the big picture, the Senators season ended exactly how many of us pictured it would. At the start of the series, I predicted the Penguins would win this series in six games. They are the defending Cup champions and realistically, they are the better team. But to take it one step further, back in September, most experts picked the Senators to finish somewhere between 5th - 10th in the Eastern Conference. The 2009-10 Ottawa Senators met their external expectation level - so it's hard to say that their loss to Pittsburgh was a total choke job and their season was a failure.

2. Should Ottawa re-sign Anton Volchenkov?

Ottawa's most notable unrestricted free agent is Anton Volchenkov, whose ability to block shots and play a shutdown role might make him one of the most sought-after commodities on the open market. Volchenkov's importance to this team is undeniable; he is the only player in the NHL with 1,000 blocked shots since the lockout. But this should be a buyer beware situation for Bryan Murray if Volchenkov and his agent Jay Grossman are looking for a five-year deal. Defencemen like Volchenkov tend to age quicker because of the style they play. Think of a guy like Jay McKee, who was a free agent at the age of 29 and had the reputation of being one of the best shutdown, shot-blocking defencemen in the game. St. Louis signed him to a four-year, $16 million contract in the summer of 2006, but injuries plagued his time with the club. His fourth and final year was ultimately bought out by the Blues and he signed this past off-season with the Penguins. Volchenkov is now 28 years old and right into that point in his career where injuries could catch up to him. How effective will a 33-year-old Volchenkov be five years from now? Will he be worth $4.5 million? That's a legitimate question that needs to be asked.

3. Should the Senators keep Andy Sutton and Matt Cullen? NHL jerseys

If the A-Train leaves town via free agency, there is a lot of speculation that the club should just re-sign Andy Sutton, who plays the same style. A lot of Sens fans view Sutton as a Diet Volchenkov. At a reduced price, Sutton can provide a similar shot-blocking and nasty presence in front of the Ottawa net. If the Volchenkov camp makes it clear that they are going to test the unrestricted waters on July 1st, Murray might be more interested in bringing back Sutton. But fans should also remember that Sutton is 35 years old and if Filip Kuba was healthy in the playoffs, how big of a factor would Sutton have been? The club also has Matt Carkner, Chris Campoli, Brian Lee and rookies Jared Cowen and Patrick Weircoch who all think they can play in Ottawa's top six. Maybe the best move for Murray is to wait and see how his defence shakes out during training camp and if help is needed, pick up an experienced guy near the deadline - like he did with Sutton this year. As for Cullen, he was arguably the best mid-season pick-up of a forward this team has ever seen. The versatile forward was a factor on most nights and ended up tied for the club lead in playoff scoring. Cullen's performance with Ottawa probably will make him an attractive free agent and it wouldn't shock me if the 33-year-old wanted to close out his career playing close to his home in Minnesota. But all things being equal, the Senators would be well-served to have Cullen back in the fold next season.

4. Is it time to trade Jason Spezza?

Judging by the way some of the Ottawa crowd booed Spezza in Game 4 of the Pittsburgh series, this is apparently a legitimate question - even though I don't agree with it at all. Spezza's turnover at the opposition blue line that led to a Sidney Crosby goal in Game 4 was the breaking point for many fans. But Spezza is a number one centre in this league. Entering this season, only eight active players in the NHL had played 300 games and averaged at least a point a game. And guess what? Spezza was one of them. These types of offensively-gifted players just don't grow on trees. And when he was 100 per cent healthy this season, Spezza collected 38 points in his final 30 games (18 goals, 20 assists). His overall game is vastly improved from where it was two or three years ago. Yes, he still turns the puck over. I'm not blind to that. But if Ottawa trades Spezza this summer, they will spend years trying to find another bona fide, point-producing centreman. Give Spezza a break Ottawa fans; he doesn't pull a Thornton-style disappearing act in the playoffs. Spezza has played 46 career playoff games and produced 46 points. A point-a-game guy in the regular season. A point-a-game guy in the playoffs. What more do you want from him?

5. Is Pascal Leclaire now the #1 goalie?

Two weeks ago, this would have been a strange question. Brian Elliott carried the ball for most of the second-half of the season and was clearly entrenched as the team's number one netminder when the Pittsburgh series started. But after faltering in Game 4, Leclaire took over and looked extremely sharp for Ottawa. Given his significant salary in 2010-11 ($4.8 million), the betting here says Leclaire gets the inside track on re-claiming his starter's jobs in training camp. Injuries were a big reason why he never got on track this past season, but Leclaire's professionalism and practice habits went a long way with his teammates. As for Elliott, his post-season struggles should not overshadow his progression as a young netminder. He has proven he can play in the NHL, with a record 20 games over .500 in his career. Robin Lehner also wants to factor into this equation, but I think this will be the Leclaire and Elliott show again next season.

6. How would you rate Cory Clouston's first season behind the bench?

Some of Clouston's playoff decisions are coming under scrutiny in Ottawa. Did he wait too long to go to Pascal Leclaire? Why was the fourth line on the ice for the OT goal in Game 6? Why did he not put Mike Fisher on Sidney Crosby more consistently in Games 3 & 4 on home ice? However, Clouston answered the question of whether or not he could have success over the course of a long season. He turned the Senators around from where they were a year ago. He provided structure and discipline behind the bench - something that was seriously lacking here 18 months ago. So from that standpoint, his first full season in Ottawa should be deemed a success. Now the pressure will be on Clouston to deliver a post-season victory next season. But Clouston has proven he belongs behind an NHL bench, which is something we weren't sure about a year ago.

7. Did Bryan Murray deserve that contract extension?

Just before the Olympic break, the Senators gave GM Bryan Murray a one-year contract extension because his deal was set to expire at the end of this season. After losing out to Pittsburgh in the first round, there does not seem to be an overwhelming sentiment from the fan base to fire the general manager. Murray's moves for Cullen and Sutton worked much better than his similar acquistion of Cory Stillman and Mike Commodore two years ago. The emergence of Erik Karlsson as a top-four defenceman proved that Murray and his scouting staff have a knack for finding gems. The Ottawa GM had a gun to his head on the Dany Heatley trade and the jury remains out on the Pascal Leclaire deal - especially since he also acquired goalie prospect Robin Lehner in that deal. But much like Clouston, the pressure will be on Murray to deliver a post-season win next year. The expectations this year were just to make the playoffs. Next year, this team has to take another step forward.

8. Has Jonathan Cheechoo played his last game in Ottawa?

Murray was forced to take Jonathan Cheechoo in the Dany Heatley trade last September and unfortunately, the Senators found out just how much the former 50-goal scorer's skills have diminished. When the club sent him down to Binghamton in February, it was a clear sign that his $3.5 million salary doesn't fit with this team. While owner Eugene Melnyk has been forced to pay for a lot of dead contracts in the past two years (Emery, Paddock, Hartsburg), he will likely have no problem buying out the final year of Cheechoo's deal in June and giving Murray a little more flexibility with the cap.

9. Has Peter Regin emerged as a legitimate top-six forward?

Perhaps no player was more impressive in the first round than Peter Regin, who scored three goals and did not look out of place on the first line. Regin is the smoothest skater on the team and he has a keen hockey sense. In two years from now, I expect Regin to be a consistent 25-goal scorer in this league and a guy who can play in all situations. But don't just pencil him in next year as a top-six forward. Remember how strong of a push Nick Foligno had at the end of last season and we all thought the same thing. Foligno and Regin are young players and it will take them time to develop into top-six forwards. Plus, the return of a healthy Michalek and Kovalev will likely cut into their playing time.

10. Will Kovalev and Michalek be effective after knee surgeries?

Both players are headed under the knife this week and the team says they will both be ready for training camp in September. Knee injuries are always serious, but even more so in this case because of Kovalev's age (he will be 38 next season) and Michalek's history (this is his fourth knee surgery). We should have a good idea by the middle of September if these players are back in top shape. These are two players expect to be in Ottawa's top-six next season and their presence was certainly missed in the playoffs against Pittsburgh.


Fraser scores twices as Blackhawks beat Avs 5-2

DENVER (AP) - Colin Fraser scored twice, Jonathan Toews had a goal and an assist and the Chicago Blackhawks moved closer to clinching the top seed in the Western Conference with a 5-2 win over the Colorado Avalanche on Friday night.
Antti Niemi had 30 saves, Patrick Sharp and Kris Versteeg also scored and Tomas Kopecky had two assists for Chicago. The Blackhawks moved into a tie with San Jose for first in the Western Conference with 111 points and both teams have one game remaining.
Chicago can clinch the No. 1 seed with a win Sunday against Detroit or by tying the Sharks in points. Chicago holds the tiebreaker by having more wins than San Jose. The Sharks host Phoenix on Saturday.
If the Blackhawks hold on to the top seed, Friday's game was a preview of their first-round opponent. The Avalanche are locked into the eighth and final playoff spot, a big improvement from last year when they finished in the conference cellar.
Although Chicago won the season series 3-1, the four games between the teams have been close. The first three games went to a shootout, with Colorado winning one at home and the Blackhawks both games at the United Center.
Darcy Tucker made it 3-2 with 7:11 left, but Fraser scored his sixth goal of the season and second of the game 38 seconds later to make it a two-goal game. Versteeg scored an empty-net goal with 1:21 left to seal the win.
Budaj had 32 saves for Colorado.
NOTES: Avalanche rookie Matt Duchene left the Soccer jerseys
game in the first period with a torso injury and did not return. ... Avalanche C Peter Mueller is out indefinitely with a concussion suffered Sunday against San Jose. ... Chicago's 111 points are the most in franchise history.
Chicago made sure the final game didn't reach a shootout with an early flurry of goals. Fraser scored 6:20 into the game when he took a rebound off the back boards and beat Peter Budaj to make it 1-0.
Toews made it 2-0 4:35 later when he scored on the power play, his 25th goal of the season.
Sharp made it 3-0 with his 25th goal 7:21 into the second period before the Avalanche struck. Ryan O'Reilly was stopped on a point-blank shot on the power play before Ryan Stoa got Colorado on the scoreboard with his first NHL goal with 2:24 left in the second and the teams skating 4-on-4.


Hasek becomes Czech champion at 45

The Flyers showed no soccer jerseys ill effects of the injuries to top forwards Jeff Carter and Simon Gagne, who both broke their right foot in Game 4.
NOTES: The Flyers are 18-2 in series they have led 3-1. ... Flyers RW Ian Laperriere left the ice with 16;04 left after he was struck in the face and bloodied by Devils D Paul Martin's shot. ... LW Ville Leino and RW David Laliberte played in the series for the first time for the Flyers in place of Carter and Gagne. Carter is expected to miss the rest of the season. Gagne might return in three weeks. ... Four Devils, including Brodeur, remain from the 2000 Devils team. ... The Flyers scored eight of their 15 goals in the series in the second period.Hasek came out of retirement last year to play for his former club in the Czech league in the town where he was born and started his career.
Known as the "Dominator" in the NHL, Hasek retired after he won the Stanley Cup with the Detroit Red Wings for the second time in 2008. Hasek won the Hart Trophy twice as the NHL's Most Valuable Player and took home the Vezina six times as the league's top goalie.
He previously retired in 2002 after winning his first Stanley Cup with Detroit but rejoined the NHL in the 2003-04 season. He also led the Czech Republic to a gold medal at 1998 Nagano Olympics.
"He is still as good as in the old days in Nagano," Vitkovice coach Alois Hadamczik said. "If I didn't know how old he is, I would guess he's 30."
Also, his playoff performances may convince Czech coach Vladimir Ruzicka to pick him for next month's world championships in Germany.


Tavares, Roloson lead Islanders past Canucks

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - Rookie John Tavares broke out of soccer jerseys a scoring slump with two goals and three assists, Dwayne Roloson made 35 saves, and the New York Islanders beat the Vancouver Canucks 5-2 on Tuesday night.
Tavares, the first pick in last summer's draft, burst into the NHL with rookie of the year expectations after 15 goals and 27 points in his first 32 games. But the 19-year-old came in with only three goals and nine points in his last 37 games before breaking out with his first five-point night.
Tavares made a nice play to set up defenseman Dylan Reese's first NHL goal 6:22 into the first period, then jammed in a power-play rebound _ created by his own nice pass behind the net _ 5 minutes later for his second goal in 22 games.
Tavares also set up Matt Moulson for his 26th this season, and Freddy Meyer in the second period before adding his second goal into an empty net with 2:20 left as the Islanders won their third straight game. New York remained seven points behind Boston for the final Eastern Conference playoff spot.
The Islanders went ahead 3-0 when Moulson redirected a spinning pass from Tavares through the crease behind Roberto Luongo with 4:30 left in the second period.
Kyle Wellwood responded on a rebound just over a minute later, and Alex Burrows pulled the Canucks within one goal with 1:25 left in the period, setting the stage for Vancouver to try to build on its NHL-leading 10 third-period comebacks.
Instead Roloson stopped Mason Raymond on a partial breakaway, and Meyer made it 4-2 with 7.6 seconds left in the period after Tavares took the puck hard to the net off the right wing. His sharp-angle shot deflected in off Meyer as he toppled towards the goal, and the Islanders held on to hand the Canucks their first home loss in eight games and just their eighth in regulation all season (25-8-1).
Luongo stopped eight shots before giving way to Andrew Raycroft to start the third period as Vancouver lost for the second time in nine games (6-2-1).
The Canucks were playing their third home game in four nights after returning from an NHL-record 14 straight road games while Vancouver hosted the Olympics. They seemed to run out of gas while being outshot 27-8 over the final two periods of Sunday's 3-1 win over Calgary, and had little early jump Tuesday.
After New York missed several great early chances and had one goal disallowed because the net was knocked off just before Bruno Gervais could bang in a loose puck, Tavares finally helped put the Islanders ahead. He drew three Canucks as he peeled off the boards and fed an open Reese at the point for a top corner shot Luongo never saw because Moulson was unchecked in front of the net.
After Tavares jammed a rebound through Luongo, Roloson made several great saves early in the second period before Moulson scored on New York s third shot.
NOTES: Islanders RW Blake Comeau extended his point streak to four games with an assist and now has five goals and 12 points in his last nine games. ... Canucks C Ryan Kesler had his point streak snapped at 13 games, ending the NHL's longest active run, but LW Daniel Sedin extended his streak to 11 games and twin brother Henrik's is now at six. ... Vancouver RW Mikael Samuelsson's run ended at seven games as he left the game during the third period for undisclosed reasons.


Desperate Flames dominate NHL-leading Capitals 5-3

Washington Capitals left wing Alexander Semin (28), of Russia, gets pushed against the boards by Calgary Flames center Matt Stajan (18) during the first period of soccer jerseys an NHL hockey game Sunday, March 28, 2010, in Washington. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)
AP Sports Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - Well, that was quite a 24-hour swing. One day after the Calgary Flames looked done for the season, they went out and dominated the league's top team.
Having reached the desperation point in their bid to make the playoffs, the Flames scored four goals in the first period Sunday and beat the Washington Capitals 5-3.
Captain Jarome Iginla had said the Flames needed to "run the table" to get into the postseason after a 5-0 loss at Boston on Saturday. He and his teammates responded by salvaging a three-game road trip that began with two losses.
"We played with the effort that we're supposed to," defenseman Robyn Regehr said, "and we have to do that for the rest of the year."
The win moved Calgary within four points of eighth-place Colorado and within five of seventh-place Los Angeles in the Western Conference, pending the result of Colorado's game later Sunday.
Ales Kotalik, Ian White, Jay Bouwmeester, Niklas Hagman and Rene Bourque scored for the Flames. Miikka Kiprusoff, who was pulled in the third period of the loss to the Bruins, made 31 saves against the Capitals as Calgary won in Washington for the first time in 11 years.
"We're all talking about that we want to be in the playoffs," Iginla said. "But we've got to go earn it and earn a chance. Now we're in position where we're just trying to earn a chance and see what other teams do."
Alex Ovechkin got his 46th goal for Washington and also had an assist to reach the 100-point mark for the fourth time in his five-year career. David Steckel and Mathieu Perreault also scored for the Capitals, who lost at home in regulation for only the fifth time in 36 games this season.
"We didn't have any energy," Washington coach Bruce Boudreau said. "It looked like we were skating in quicksand. Their sense of urgency was so tremendous. They'd been embarrassed in Boston. We didn't meet their push."
Washington's Jose Theodore was pulled at 10:34 of the first period after allowing three goals on nine shots, but his franchise-record 19-game streak without a regulation loss (17-0-2) remains intact because the Capitals later scored three goals. That made Semyon Varlamov, who gave up the fourth goal, the goalie of record.
"For the first time in a long time," Boudreau said, "it looked like Theo was struggling a little bit."
The Flames also spoiled a chance for the Capitals to clinch the top seed in the Eastern Conference for the first time in franchise history, but Washington claimed the No. 1 spot when New Jersey lost 5-1 at Philadelphia on Sunday night.
Three of the Flames' goals were carom shots off Capitals goaltenders, including the first two. Kotalik stuffed in a rebound off Theodore's left leg just 2:35 into the game, and White put a rebound off Theodore's side as the goalie was falling on his back during the power play at the 8:28 mark.
Bouwmeester's tip-in of Bourque's pass made the score 3-0, chasing Theodore. The Flames kept scoring, however, with Hagman putting a backhander from the right circle inside the near post. The goal put the Capitals behind by four goals, a deficit they'd faced for a combined 4:32 on the entire season coming into the game.
First period summation: Calgary had four goals; Washington had four shots. Even more stunning was the fickle display by some Capitals fans. The runaway top team in the standings actually heard boos on the way to the locker room.
"When you've lost four out of 35 at home, give the guys at break," Boudreau said. "I could see it if we were doing this on a regular basis."
Ovechkin's wrister from the right circle on a power play made it 4-1, but Bourque and Steckel traded goals to make it 5-2 going into the third. Perreault, recalled from the AHL earlier in the day, pulled the Capitals within two again when he put in the rebound off Ovechkin's shot during a power play early in the third.
"You just put that one behind you and live for the next day," Washington right wing Mike Knuble said. "It's no indication of anything. It's just one of those games you're probably due for. It's probably good for us at this point."
Notes: The Flames' last previous win in Washington was a 5-4 overtime tally on March 13, 1999. They had gone 0-4 with a tie in five trips since. ... Perreault was recalled because C Brendan Morrison was out with a lower body injury that appears to be minor, and C Brooks Laich remains sidelined with facial injuries after getting struck in the face by a puck in practice last week. ... Washington D Shaone Morrisonn missed the game after having his wisdom teeth removed.

(Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
AP Sports Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - Well, that was quite a 24-hour swing. One day after the Calgary Flames looked done for the season, they went out and dominated the league's top team.
Having reached the desperation point in their bid to make the playoffs, the Flames scored four goals in the first period Sunday and beat the Washington Capitals 5-3.
Captain Jarome Iginla had said the Flames needed to "run the table" to get into the postseason after a 5-0 loss at Boston on Saturday. He and his teammates responded by salvaging a three-game road trip that began with two losses.
"We played with the effort that we're supposed to," defenseman Robyn Regehr said, "and we have to do that for the rest of the year."
The win moved Calgary within four points of eighth-place Colorado and within five of seventh-place Los Angeles in the Western Conference, pending the result of Colorado's game later Sunday.
Ales Kotalik, Ian White, Jay Bouwmeester, Niklas Hagman and Rene Bourque scored for the Flames. Miikka Kiprusoff, who was pulled in the third period of the loss to the Bruins, made 31 saves against the Capitals as Calgary won in Washington for the first time in 11 years.
"We're all talking about that we want to be in the playoffs," Iginla said. "But we've got to go earn it and earn a chance. Now we're in position where we're just trying to earn a chance and see what other teams do."
Alex Ovechkin got his 46th goal for Washington and also had an assist to reach the 100-point mark for the fourth time in his five-year career. David Steckel and Mathieu Perreault also scored for the Capitals, who lost at home in regulation for only the fifth time in 36 games this season.
"We didn't have any energy," Washington coach Bruce Boudreau said. "It looked like we were skating in quicksand. Their sense of urgency was so tremendous. They'd been embarrassed in Boston. We didn't meet their push."
Washington's Jose Theodore was pulled at 10:34 of the first period after allowing three goals on nine shots, but his franchise-record 19-game streak without a regulation loss (17-0-2) remains intact because the Capitals later scored three goals. That made Semyon Varlamov, who gave up the fourth goal, the goalie of record.
"For the first time in a long time," Boudreau said, "it looked like Theo was struggling a little bit."
The Flames also spoiled a chance for the Capitals to clinch the top seed in the Eastern Conference for the first time in franchise history, but Washington claimed the No. 1 spot when New Jersey lost 5-1 at Philadelphia on Sunday night.
Three of the Flames' goals were carom shots off Capitals goaltenders, including the first two. Kotalik stuffed in a rebound off Theodore's left leg just 2:35 into the game, and White put a rebound off Theodore's side as the goalie was falling on his back during the power play at the 8:28 mark.
Bouwmeester's tip-in of Bourque's pass made the score 3-0, chasing Theodore. The Flames kept scoring, however, with Hagman putting a backhander from the right circle inside the near post. The goal put the Capitals behind by four goals, a deficit they'd faced for a combined 4:32 on the entire season coming into the game.
First period summation: Calgary had four goals; Washington had four shots. Even more stunning was the fickle display by some Capitals fans. The runaway top team in the standings actually heard boos on the way to the locker room.
"When you've lost four out of 35 at home, give the guys at break," Boudreau said. "I could see it if we were doing this on a regular basis."
Ovechkin's wrister from the right circle on a power play made it 4-1, but Bourque and Steckel traded goals to make it 5-2 going into the third. Perreault, recalled from the AHL earlier in the day, pulled the Capitals within two again when he put in the rebound off Ovechkin's shot during a power play early in the third.
"You just put that one behind you and live for the next day," Washington right wing Mike Knuble said. "It's no indication of anything. It's just one of those games you're probably due for. It's probably good for us at this point."
Notes: The Flames' last previous win in Washington was a 5-4 overtime tally on March 13, 1999. They had gone 0-4 with a tie in five trips since. ... Perreault was recalled because C Brendan Morrison was out with a lower body injury that appears to be minor, and C Brooks Laich remains sidelined with facial injuries after getting struck in the face by a puck in practice last week. ... Washington D Shaone Morrisonn missed the game after having his wisdom teeth removed.

Florentino Perez: We Don't Need Any Silverware

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 -- Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has tried to lift some pressure off his players by saying that they do not need to win anything at the end of the season.
Madrid's start to the season have been less than perfect and there has been mounting pressure on coach Manuel Pellegrini after defeats to AC Milan at home in the Champions League and to Alcorcon in the Copa del Rey away.

But club president Florentino Perez has tried to temper it all by suggesting that the coach will remain in charge of the team until the end of the season. He told Noticias Cuatro:

"It's very difficult to be coach here. The Real Madrid [that won] the first five European Cups changed coaches several times. This team always puts the emphasis on the players while others put it on their coaches.

"We are happy with the players that have arrived and with those who were here before, and it takes time to mould them into a team. I'm sure that Pellegrini will finish the season.

"It wouldn't be a failure if we didn't win a trophy. We are in the middle of building a new project. We'll give World Cup Jerseys it stability."


Five Must-See Football Matches This Weekend

As the weekend revs up, here is another guide to NHL Jerseys the essential viewing from Europe’s best football leagues over the next few days.

Sports Pundit’s Game of the Week
FC Barcelona v Real Madrid
Spanish La Liga
Sunday, 7pm (CET)

There’s no going past El Clasico for this week’s game of the week as Barcelona and Real resume rivalries. With the bitter rivals set to go neck-and-neck for this season’s La Liga title, this match really has a lot going for it. Throw in Real’s Nuevo Galacticos and it is obvious it’s must-see TV.

But ironically injury worries could rob both sides of key players, with Barca’s Lionel Messi and Zlatan Ibrahimovic struggling of late, although they could play some part. Madrid’s superstar Cristiano Ronaldo did return from his ankle injury midweek but still seems short of fitness and in some discomfort.

Form-wise, Barcelona have had a few hurdles along the way so far this campaign but appear the stronger side, especially following their midweek mauling of Italian champions Inter. Real have been getting the job done and actually lead the league at this stage. All these elements add up for a brilliant El Clasico.

Genoa v Sampdoria
Italian Serie A
Saturday, 8.45pm (CET)

Saturday brings the historical Genovese derby in Italy with both clubs in the hunt for a European berth this season. Sampdoria jumped out of the blocks this term and sit fifth, while Genoa have been inconsistent but lurk not far behind in 7th.

Genoa’s problem this season has been up back and they currently have the worst defensive record in Serie A, but both sides possess good forward lines with Sampdoria enjoying a fruitful partnership this term with Antonio Cassano and Giampaolo Pazzini. This game promises goals.

Everton v Liverpool
English Premier League
Sunday, 2.30pm (CET)

The first Merseyside derby for this season rolls around with both sides languishing well below expectations and in need of the points. Rafa Benitez’s Reds were eliminated from the
Champions League midweek so a positive result here is crucial for his relationship with the fans.

But Liverpool will be sweating on the availability of gun striker Fernando Torres although at least local hero Steven Gerrard is fit and ready to go. Everton have their own injury worries with skipper Phil Neville and Mikel Arteta out, but in-form Louis Saha leads the line.

Arsenal v Chelsea
English Premier League
Sunday, 5pm (CET)

It is a big weekend for local derbies and this is yet another over in London between two genuine heavyweights. Arsenal’s slip-up at Sunderland last weekend means they’re 8 points behind leaders Chelsea, who will want to maintain their lead ahead of Manchester United.

And the injury news is good for Chelsea with Didier Drogba returning in Europe midweek, while Frank Lampard could play after a thigh problem. Arsenal aren’t so lucky with William Gallas struggling to be fit. The Gunners don’t have a great recent record against the big sides and a loss here could see them slip off the pace.

Olympiacos v Panathinaikos
Greek Super League
Sunday, 5.30pm (CET)

We’ll finish off in Greece, where it appears the two genuine giants of Greek football these days will do battle in Piraeus. Panathinaikos currently lead the title race by 2 points from champions Olympiacos, so this match will certainly prove important.

After Olympiacos claimed last season’s title, Panathinaikos spent big in the summer with Djibril Cisse and Kostas Katsouranis the big arrivals. But they still lack defensive steel and the hosts may expose them there although Olympiacos seem a tad short on attacking options. This could be a tight contest.


Adriano Galliani: I Want Inter To Win

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 -- AC Milan vice-president Adriano Galliani has said that he would be cheering for an Inter Milan victory against Rubin Kazan in the Champions League on Wednesday evening.

Inter host Rubin on Wednesday in a crucial group match in the Champions League and know that a win would assure them of a place in the knockout stages of Europe's premier club competition.

Milan progressed through to the last 16 stage of the Champions League on Tuesday evening. Speaking on that match and looking ahead to Inter's clash, Galliani told ANSA:

"I knew that it was not going to be easy. We had a few problems before the match, from Ronaldinho to [Kakhaber] Kaladze. I am disappointed that Juventus could not make it through.

"Tomorrow, I will support Inter, as we need to conserve the Italian team's spots in the MLB jerseys Champions League."

Blackburn vs. Aston Villa: Carling Cup Preview

Aston Villa and Blackburn Rovers met in the soccer jerseys FA Cup third round on Saturday and the pair clash once again on Tuesday in the last four of the Carling Cup.

Both Villa boss Martin O’Neill and his Blackburn counterpart Sam Allardyce chose to rest key men on the weekend, a game in which Villa triumphed 3-1, with an eye on some potential silverware but it is the midlands club that look much better equipped to advance to Wembley and they should be good enough to earn at least a share of the spoils at Ewood Park.

The midweek clash is the first of two semi final legs but if Rovers are to progress then surely they must establish a lead on home soil. That will be easier said than done however, they have not won for 10 matches, and Blackburn were outplayed by Tuesday’s opponents in defeat 72 hours ago.

Blackburn edged past Premier League leaders Chelsea in the quarter finals via a penalty shootout but that was a rare highlight in recent months for Allardyce as his side continue to struggle and Villa will be a tough nut to crack.

Back-to-back defeats at the hands of Arsenal and Liverpool didn’t tell the whole story of two crucial Christmas top flight encounters for the Villains and instead their form is best represented by an unbeaten run prior to that stretching back to the first week of November.

The likes of Manchester United succumbed along the way and Villa, currently 14 points ahead of Rovers in the Premier League table, are very much contenders for a Champions League spot once again.

While the priority for O’Neill will be a top four finish the Carling Cup has proved a welcome distraction and with Wembley on the horizon the likes of Ashley Young and Gabriel Agbonlahor will return on Tuesday.

The excellent John Carew should lead the line in preference to Emile Heskey and key figures Richard Dunne and Stiliyan Petrov, rested on Saturday, should also line up for the visitors.

The only injury concern for the Northern Irish manager surrounds the in-form James Milner but Villa have plenty of quality in reserve and should have nothing to fear from average looking hosts.

Attractively priced at 2.50 in the match odds market, I actually prefer the look of the away side at 1.80 being offered by several firms in the draw no bet book. Two-legged encounters are often cagey affairs in the early stages and I want the safety net of my money back should this to meander to a stalemate.

That said, I’ll be very surprised if Allardyce’s side, who struggle for goals, are good enough to forge an advantage and Villa looked prime for a final appearance.


Rachel Alexandra Loses Again

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rachel Alexandra, the reigning Horse of the Year, could not find a finishing gear or her characteristic grit and was beaten in a stirring stretch duel with a determined Unrivaled Belle in the $400,000 La Troienne Stakes on Friday at Churchill Downs.

It was her second setback since returning to the races this year as a 4-year-od and stunned a packed Churchill Downs crowd, most of soccer jerseys whom fully expected that Rachel Alexandra would run away from the field the way she did here last year in a reputation-making record 20¼-length victory in the Kentucky Oaks.

“She’s just not been as fast as last summer,” her trainer, Steve Asmussen, said after Friday’s loss. “She ran a good race, but not a great race.”
Santonio Holmes escorted off flight for being ‘disruptive’
New York Jets wide receiver Santonio Holmes(notes) is pushing his luck.
According to a television report, Holmes was escorted off a flight for being a "disruptive passenger."
He wasn't arrested, soccer jerseys though.
Per the report, Holmes refused to turn off his iPod during the flight's descent.
Holmes was traded to the Jets from the Pittsburgh Steelers for a fifth-round pick. The former Super Bowl MVP is suspended for the first four games of the regular season for violating the NFL's substance abuse policy.
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