
4:27b). Therefore, we would expect the Mountain of God (= Mt. Sinai/Horeb) to be located somewhere along the Trans-Sinai Highway.Based on the travel t

inary assessment is that the mountain fits the
Biblical requirements very well: 1. It is located at the eastern end of the Trans-Sinai Highway (Exod. 4:20, 27). 2. It is located near Midian. Moses pastured the flock of Jethro at Sinai (Exod. 3:1) and Jethro and Hobab, Moses’ brother-in-law, both visited Moses while he was at Mt. Sinai with the Israelites (Exod. 18:5; Num. 10:29–30). 3. It is in the right location­approximately two month’s journey from Rameses (Exod. 19:1; Num. 33:3), and 11 day’s journey from Kadesh Barnea (Deut. 1:2). 4. It is in the territory of Edom (Deut. 33:2, Judges 5:4; Hab. 3:3). In addition to meeting these Biblical requirements, Gebel Khashm et-Tarif is a low mountain (2,870 ft.), in accordance with Jewish tradition. Israeli investigator Uzi Avner located 33 rectangular "open air sanctuaries"east and south of the mountain (1984: 120–21). Each one is ca. 25 x 50 ft.in size and comprised of a single row of stones. Religious shrines do not normally appear in such large numbers in a single location. They are typically individual structures with cultic material inside. No cultic material was found in association with the buildings at Gebel Khashm et-Tarif. A far more reasonable hypothesis is that the structures are domestic in nature, perhaps stones placed around the periphery of tents. Gebel Khashm Et-Tarif: Could this be Mount Sinai?During the brief visit of the ABR team in March 2007 we discovered five similar buildings south of the mountain, suggesting there are many more such structures in the vicinity. Are the buildings the remains of an ancient campsite? In order to postulate a connection between the buildings and the Israelites, it is necessary to demonstrate that they date to the time of the Exodus. Dating the buildings at Gebel Khashm et-Tarif will be a major objective of future ABR research.Bibliography Avner, Uzi1984 Ancient Cult Sites in the Negev and Sinai Deserts. Tel Aviv 11: 115–31, Pls. 13–24.Crew, Bruce R.2002 Did Edom's Original Territories Extend West of the 'Wadi Arabah? Bible and Spade 15: 2–10.Wood, Bryant G.2000 Beneath the Surface: An Editorial Comment. Bible and Spade 13: 98–99. Recommended Resources for Further Study NIV ArchaeologicalStudy Bible Bible and SpadeCD ROM Archaeology and the Old Testament Please help ABR continue to post these freearticles by making a donation of any size today. Donate

Nahum, Nineveh and Those Nasty Assyrians
Tags: nahum, nineveh, assyria, iraq, ashurbanipal, nabopolassar, british museum, thebes--> This article was first published in the Fall 2003 issue of Bible and Spade.If I mentioned the city Nineveh, what would come to your mind? Most likely you would say Jonah. We have all heard the story about Jonah being swallowed by the great fish and then going to Nineveh to preach against the city. His message was short and to the point, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown” (Jon 3:4, all Scripture quotes are from the NKJV). The city, from the king to the dogcatcher, repented. Have you ever wondered what happened to Nineveh after that? The short prophetic book of Nahum tells us “the rest of the story.”The Date of the Book of NahumScholars have long debated the date of the book of Nahum. A wide range of dates has been suggested, from the eighth century BC (Feinberg 1951:126, 148) to the Maccabean period, early second century BC (Haupt 1907). Yet, the book gives us internal chronological parameters to date the book. Nahum describes the conquest of Thebes (No-Amon) by Ashurbanipal II in 663 BC as a past event, thus the book could not have been written before that date. The entire book is a prediction of the fall of the city of Nineveh in 612 BC. Thus, the book was written somewhere between 663 and 612 BC.A case can be made for the proclamation of the message, and writing of the book, about 650 BC. If this is the correct date, the Spirit of God used this book to put King Manasseh into a position where he could come to faith and bring Judah back to the LORD. Up until this point in the reign of King Manasseh, the kingdom, led by the king, was “more evil than the nations whom the LORD had destroyed before the children of Israel” (2 Chr 33:9). The LORD sent seers (prophets) to speak to the nation, but the nation would not listen to the Word of God (33:10, 18). While not named, one of the seers was probably Nahum. His vision concerning the total destruction of Nineveh would be seen by the Assyrian overlords as fomenting rebellion and insurrection, and possibly seen as support for Shamash-shum-ukin, the king of Babylon, in his current civil war with his brother Ashurbanipal II. If a copy of the book of Nahum fell into the hands of the Assyrian intelligence community stationed at the Assyrian administrative centers of Samaria, Dor, Megiddo or Hazor, King Manasseh would have had to give account for this book. The Biblical record states,the LORD brought upon them [Judah] the captains of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze fetters, and carried him off to Babylon (2 Chr 33:11).Relief of Elamites being tortured during the time of Ashurbanipal. From the palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh, now in the British Museum. The two Elamites shown on this portion of the relief are being skinned alive.This event would have transpired in 648 BC, the year that Ashurbanipal II temporarily ruled Babylon after he eliminated his brother as a result of the four-year civil war (Rainey 1993:160).Dragging someone off with hooks in their nose would be in keeping with Ashurbanipal’s character. In the excavations of Sam’al (Zincirli, in southern Turkey) a stela was found depicting Esarhaddon holding two leashes attached to the nose-rings of Baal of Tyre and Usanahuru, a crown prince of Egypt (see front cover). Flanking the stela, watching intently, is Esarhaddon’s son Ashurbanipal on the left and his brother Samas-sumu-ukin on the right. Ashurbanipal observed his father’s brutality and followed his example (Parpola and Watanabe 1988:20, 21).During Manasseh’s interrogation by Ashurbanipal II (and it must have been a brutal one—the text used the word “afflicted”).He implored the LORD his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers, and prayed to Him; and He received his entreaty, heard his supplication, and brought him back to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God (2 Chr 33:12&ndashRosetta Stone Japanese

Nimrod as a mighty hunter founded a powerful kingdom; and the founding of this kingdom is shown by the verb with consecutive to have been the conseque

f grace (loc. cit.).After the Flood there was, at some point, a break-away from YHWH. Only eight people descended from the Ark. Those people worshipped YHWH. But at some point an influential person became opposed to YHWH and gathered others to his side. I suggest that Nimrod is the one who did it. Cain had done similarly before the Flood, founding a new city and religious system.Our English translation of the Hebrew of Genesis 10:8-10 is weak. The author of this passage of Scripture will not call Gilgamesh by his name and honor him, but is going to call him by a derisive name, what he really is­a rebel. Therefore we should translate Genesis 10:8-10 to read: Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a tyrant in the earth. He was a tyrannical hunter in opposition to the Lord. Thus it is said. ‘Nimrod the tyrannical opponent of YHWH.’Likewise, Gilgamesh was a man who took control by his own strength. In Genesis 10 Nimrod is presented as a type of him. Nimrod’s descendents were the ones who began building the tower in Babel where the tongues were changed. Gilgamesh is a type of early city founders. (Page numbers are from Heidel 1963)He is a “shepherd” .............. page 18From Uruk ............................. page 17 (Kramer 1959: 31 calls Uruk Erech.)A giant .................................... page 17 (11 cubits)Builds cities .......................... page 17Vile man “takes women” .... page 18Mighty hunter ......................... page 18Nimrod started his kingdom at Babylon (Gn 10:10). Babylon later reached its zenith under Nebuchadnezzar (sixth century BC). Pictured are mudbrick ruins of Nebuchadnezzar’s city along with ancient wall lines and canals.Gilgamesh Confronts YHWH The name of YHWH rarely appears in extra-Biblical literature in the Ancient Near East. Therefore we would not expect to find it in the Gilgamesh epic. But why should the God of the Jews rarely be mentioned? The Hebrew Bible is replete with the names of other gods.On the other hand, the nations surely knew of Him even though they had no respect for Him. If so, how might His Name appear in their literature, if at all? The name of YHWH, in a culture which is in rebellion against His rule, would most likely be in a derisive form, not in its true form. Likewise, the writers of Scripture would deride the rebels.Originally established by Nimrod (Gn 10:11), and today known as Nimrud, Calah became an important city in Iraq. This is an artist’s reconstruction of the interior of Tiglath-pileser III’s palace (late seventh century BC).Putting the Bible and the Gilgamesh Epic Together The Gilgamesh Epic describes the first “God is dead” movement. In the Epic, the hero is a vile, filthy, perverted person, yet he is presented as the greatest, strongest, hero that ever lived (Heidel 1963: 18). So that the one who sent the Flood wilt not trouble them anymore, Gilgamesh sets out to kill the perpetrator. He takes with him a friend who is a monstrous half-man, half-animal­Enkidu. Together they go on a long journey to the Cedar Mountain to find and destroy the monster who sent the Flood. Gilgamesh finds him and finally succeeds in cutting off the head of this creature whose name is “Huwawa” (“Humbaba” in the Assyrian version; see Heidel 1963: 34ff).Is there a connection with the Gilgamesh epic and Genesis 10? Note what Gilgamesh says to Enkidu the half man, half beast, who accompanied him on his journey, found in Tablet III, lines 147-150. “If I fall,” Gilgamesh says, “I will establish a name for myself. Gilgamesh is fallen, they will say, in combat with terrible Huwawa.”But the next five lines are missing from all tablets found so far! Can we speculate on what they say? Let’s try...We suggest that those five lines include: “But if I win,...they will say, Gilgamesh, the mighty vanquisher of Huwawa!” Why do we say that? Because Genesis 10:9 gives us the portion missing from the Gilgamesh tablets. Those lines include... “it is said, Nimrod (or Gilgamesh) the mighty vanquisher of YHWH” This has to be what is missing from all the clay tablets of the Gilgamesh story. The Gilgamesh Epic calls him Huwawa; the Bible calls Him YHWH.Part of Nimrod’s kingdom (Gn 10:11), Nineveh along the Tigris River continued to be a major city in ancient Assyria. Today adjacent to modern Mosul, the ruins of ancient Nineveh are centered on two mounds, the acropolis at Kuyunjik and Nebi Yunis (Arabic “Prophet Jonah”). Pictured is Sennacherib’s “palace without rival” on Kuyunjik, constructed at the end of the seventh century BC and excavated by Henry Layard in the early 20th century.Heidel, speaking of the incident as it is found on Tablet V says: All we can conclude from them [the lost lines] is that Gilgamesh and Enkidu cut off the head of Humbaba (or Huwawa) and that the expedition had a successful issue [ending] (1963: 47).The missing lines from the Epic are right there in the Bible!Because of the parallels between Gilgamesh and Nimrod, many scholars agree that Gilgamesh is Nimrod. Continuing with Gilgamesh’s fable, he did win, he did vanquish Huwawa and took his head. Therefore he could come back to Uruk and other cities and tell the people not to worry about YHWH anymore, he is dead. ‘“I killed him over in the Lebanon mountains. So just live however you like, I will be your king and take care of you.”Often attributed to Nimrod, the Tower of Babel (Gn 11:1-9) was not a Jack and the Beanstalk-type of construction, where people were trying to build a structure to get into heaven. Instead it is best understood as an ancient ziggurat (Assyrian “mountaintop”), as the one pictured at ancient Ur of the Chaldees, Abraham’s hometown (Gn 11:31). A ziggurat was a man-made structure with a temple at its top, built to worship the host of heaven.There are still other parallels between the Bible and the Gilgamesh epic: “YaHWeH” has a somewhat similar sound to “Huwawa.” Gilgamesh did just as the “sons of god” in Genesis 6 did. The “sons of god” forcibly took men’s wives. The Epic says that is precisely what Gilgamesh did. The Bible calls Nimrod a tyrant, and Gilgamesh was a tyrant. There was a flood in the Bible, there is a flood in the Epic. Cush is mentioned in the Bible, Kish in the Epic. Erech is mentioned in Scripture, Uruk was Gilgamesh’s city. Gilgamesh made a trip to see the survivor of the Flood. This was more likely Ham than Noah, since “Nimrod” was Ham’s grandson! Historically. Gilgamesh was of the first dynasty of Uruk. As Jacobsen points out (1939: 157), kings before Gilgamesh may be fictional, but not likely. The fact that the Gilgamesh epic also contains the Deluge story would indicate a close link with events immediately following the Flood, S.N. Kramer says: A few years ago one would have strongly doubted his (historical) existence...we now have the certitude that the time of Gilgamesh corresponds to the earliest period of Mesopotamian history. (Kramer 1959: 117)What a contrast Psalm 2 is compared with the Gilgamesh Epic!

The Dating of Hazor's Destruction in Joshua 11 Via Biblical, Archaeological, and Epigraphical Evidence
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Ingermanson has written two analyses of the Talpiot names,

one a discussion for the statistics novice (2007), and another, more technical paper co-authored with Jay Cost (2007).These analyses examine the statistical work of Dr. Andrey Feuerverger, the mathematician whose statistical work was used in the Discovery Channel documentary in favor of the Talpiot tomb being the Jesus Family Tomb, and offer independent conclusions. Briefly, Randy argues that the names are common and the combination of these names in the tombs does not amount to a statistical slam dunk at all. Tabor recently posted a new statistical analysis of the names in the tomb that, in part, disputes Ingermanson’s method and conclusions. The paper is entitled, “Probability, Statistics, and the Talpiot Tomb” (Kilty and Elliott 2007). It is authored by Dr. Kevin Kilty, whose PhD is in geophysics, and Mark Elliott, whose PhD is from the University of Arizona in Near Eastern Studies. Both teach at Laramie County Community College. Tabor touts this paper as the answer to those who would argue that the combination of names is not statistically significant. He writes:[This paper] is exceptionally clear in argument, thoroughly academic in approach and method, and in my view advances the discussion of the Talpiot tomb to a new level. I believe that this paper clears the air on any number of convoluted issues, but particularly the matter of whether or not the cluster of names found in the tomb are common and statistically insignificant, or rare and unique (2007c).Tabor’s enthusiasm for this paper exceeds the paper’s merits. To date there has been no published response to the paper, but one is in process, in conjunction with a lengthy response to Feuerverger’s original statistical analysis. Feuerverger’s work, which formed the basis for the Discovery Channel documentary’s statistical claims, actually never underwent peer-review. Feuerverger’s work, along with a lengthy response by Dr. Ingermanson that will be relevant to Kilty and Elliott’s criticisms, is scheduled for publication in a peer-reviewed journal sometime in 2008. While I am not a statistician, I have one thought on the Kilty and Elliot paper. While Tabor wants his blog readers to think that the paper evidences tight thinking, it appears that their statistical analysis needs a methodological logic check in at least one place. Tabor is eager to point out that what makes Yoseh important is the fact that this shortened form for Joseph (Yehoseph) is rare, occurring only three other times. However, these three other occurrences are in Hebrew (Yodh-Samech-Heh or Yodh-Waw-Samech-Heh). Everyone in the discussion admits that the Greek term in Mark 6:3 is an abbreviation or nickname for the longer “Joseph.” What seems to be missed by Tabor, and now Kilty and Elliott as well, is that we cannot argue that the shortened Greek form has a one-to-one correspondence to the shortened Hebrew Yoseh. That is, it is possible that Jesus’ brother ‘Iωση never went by Hebrew Yoseh, but by the longer Yehoseph. The Greek ‘Iωση is a nickname for either long or short name in Hebrew. This needs to be factored into any statistical analysis. Tabor’s third line of argumentation is that the Talpiot tomb could have belonged to Joseph of Arimathea, circumventing the objection that Jesus and his family could not have afforded such a family tomb. Tabor writes:Nearly everyone seems to assume that the gospels report that Joseph of Arimathea took the corpse of Jesus and laid it in his own new tomb late Friday night. A group of women, Mary Magdalene and others, followed, noting the location of the tomb. Sunday morning when they visited, to complete the Jewish rites of burial, the tomb was empty. The problem with this assumption is that our best evidence indicates that this tomb, into which Jesus was temporarily placed, did not belong to Joseph of Arimathea. Mark, our earliest account,says the following:And he [Joseph of Arimathea] bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud and laid him in a tomb that had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb” (Mark 15:46).John’s gospel, reflecting an independent tradition, offers a further explanation:Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb where no one had ever been laid. So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, as thetomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there (John 19:41–42).Mark does not explain the choice of the tomb, but according to the gospel of John this initial burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea was a temporary, emergency measure, with the Passover Sabbath hours away. It was a burial of necessity and opportunity. This particular tomb was chosen because it was unused and happened to be near. The idea that this tomb belonged to Joseph of Arimathea makes no sense. What are the chances that he would just happen to have his own new family tomb conveniently located near the Place of the Skull, or Golgotha, where the Romans regularly crucified their victims? Mark indicates that the intention of those involved to complete the full and proper rites of Jewish burial after Passover. Given these circumstances, one would expect the body of Jesus to be placed in a second tomb as a permanent resting place. This second tomb would presumably be one that either belonged to, or was provided by, Joseph of Arimathea, who had both the means and the will to honor Jesus and his family in this way. Accordingly, one would not expect the permanent tomb of Jesus, and subsequently his family, to be near Golgotha, but in a rock-hewn tomb elsewhere in Jerusalem. These circumstances also address the issue that some have raised that the Talpiot tomb could not be that of Jesus since he is poor and from Galilee. James, the brother of Jesus, becomes leader of the Jesus movement following Jesus’ death in 30 CE (2007a).I would agree that the wording of Mark 15:46 and John 19:41–42 could suggest that Jesus was hurriedly buried for expediency and then reburied in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb. This reading is possible. However, it does not support the idea that the Talpiot tomb is the Jesus family tomb, nor can it. The reason is simple: there is not a single point of data that links the Talpiot tomb with Joseph of Arimathea. This is complete speculation on the part of Tabor, carefully crafted to lead uninitiated readers into thinking they are reading a coherent argument, when in fact they are not. This kind of crafted leap on Tabor’s part demonstrates his propensity at constructing history rather than reconstructing it. Introducing a new hypothesis is fine, being an expected part of the scholarly enterprise. It is even better, however, when such newly introduced hypotheses are fairly tested. When a scholar introduces a theory and then frames questions in such a way that there is only the guise of testing, a methodological—and I would say an ethical—line has been crossed. Framing questions in a way that biases them in favor of a hypothesis is not the scientific method. One is not supposed to frame questions so as to allow for or even move toward certain answers. It is to frame questions that allow the data to speak for itself, whether clearly or otherwise, and then live with the results. As this paper and the work of others has shown, Tabor exempts the data from certain questions, and then frames the questions in such a way as to give life to preconceived conclusions.CONCLUSIONI often ask myself the question, what drives people like Dr.Tabor to take the positions they hold? I do not think Dr. Tabor is part of the militant atheism we have seen growing more restless in the past few years. He seems too kind for that, both in print and in personal communications we have had. He just lacks the militant spirit, at least in my experience. Rather, I think Professor Tabor just cannot seem to accept that all scholarship—his included—is not about who is less a supernaturalist than whom, as if greater skepticism translates into more careful scholarship. There is no necessary cause-and-effect relationship there. Rather

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Unfortunately they were closed

but we could get a clear feel for the terrain around the excavations. Near the enclosure for the excavations was the Church of Tas-Silg, a very prominent building in the region. On Friday, January 14, we walked around the point where St. Thomas Tower is located and then along the edge of the low cliffs to St. Thomas Bay. There was no wind so the sea was flat and no waves were breaking on the Munxar Reef. On Sunday, January 16, however, a very strong windstorm hit Malta. I returned to St. Thomas Bay and walked out to the point overlooking the Munxar Reef. The waves clearly indicated the line of the Munxar Reef. After watching the waves, I turned around to observe the terrain behind me. Up the slopes of the hill the Church of Tas-Silg and the enclosure wall of the Tas-Silg excavations were clearly visible. Just to confirm the visibility from Tas-Silg, I walked along dirt paths and through fields up to the enclosure wall. As I stood on the outside of the wall, just opposite the Roman temple, I looked down and could see the waves breaking on the Munxar Reef. There was eye contact between the outer Munxar Reef and this important shrine with no apparent obstruction in the line of view. If I could see the Munxar Reef then someone at the Munxar Reef could have seen me and the elevated terrain landmarks around me such as the prominent Temple of Juno.If the Apostle Paul’s ship was anchored near the Munxar Reef, when it was morning, the sea captain and the sailors immediately would have recognized where they were. Luke, who was on board the ship, testifies that they did not recognize where they were (Acts 27:39). Thus the Munxar Reef does not meet the Biblical criteria for the shipwreck of Paul.Is the "Meeting of two seas" at the Munxar Reef? (Acts 27:41)When the sea captain gave the orders for the ropes of the four anchors to be cut, Luke says they struck "a place where two seas meet" (Acts 27:41). The Greek words for "two seas meet" is transliterated, "topon dithalasson." The meaning of these two Greek words, "two seas meet," has been translated in the book as "place of two seas" (2003: 71), "a place where two seas meet" (2003: 217), "two seas meet" (2003: 29, 73, 194), and "a place between waters" (2003: 29).Mr. Cornuke gives three possible meanings for this Greek phrase on page 82 of his book and footnotes it as his #16. Footnote 16 is page 148 of Joseph Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (1893). When one examines Thayer’s definition of topon dithalasson, he gives more definitions than Mr. Cornuke gives in his book. Thayer starts off by saying it means, "resembling [or forming] two seas." Also "lying between two seas, i.e. washed by the sea on both sides... an isthmus." If we take these omitted meanings into consideration, it opens up other possibilities on the island for the location of the shipwreck.There have been other studies done on the Greek phrase topon dithalasson which appears only once in the Greek New Testament (Gilchrist 1996: 42-46). Professor Mario Buhagiar, of the University of Malta, cautions that this term "does not offer any real help because it can have several meanings and the way it is used in Acts 27:41, does not facilitate an interpretation. A place where two seas meet (Authorised and Revised versions) and a cross sea (Knox Version) are the normally accepted translations but any beach off a headland (Liddell and Scott) or an isthmus whose extremity is covered by the waves (Grimms and Thayer), as indeed most water channels, can qualify as the place where the boat grounded. The truth is that the Acts do not give us sufficient clues to help in the identification of the site" (Buhagiar 1997: 200).There are other locations on the island that fit the description of the lying between two seas and an isthmus.Is the "bay with a beach" at St. Thomas Bay? (Acts 27:39)In introducing this passage, Mr. Cornuke remarks, "The Bible states that sailors aboard Paul’s ship, having anchored off the coast of Malta in a near hurricane, peered out at the horizon at midnight on the fourteenth night, and ... observed a bay with a beach" (2003: 27). Actually, verse 39 states, "Now when it was day..." (NKJV), "And when day came..." (NASB), "And when it was day..." (KJV). It was not midnight as stated in the book. If it were at midnight, and especially during a gragale, it would be pitch black and they would not have been able to see anything.There is a second problem with Mr. Cornuke’s identification. According to Map 3, the ship was anchored on the south side of the Munxar Reef before the ropes were cut. More than likely in the First Century AD, the sea captain would not have been able to see the low-level beach of St. Thomas Bay from where he was anchored though the elevated landmarks would have been visible and recognizable.Geographers who study land forms are well aware that coastlines change over time. This could be a result of silting, as in the case of Marsa and the Marsascala Bay. Erosion by the sea is always going on. Seismic activity could change coastlines as well. Malta has many fault lines on or around it that could move land mass up, down or sideways. A certain depth in the sea, or elevation on land, today might not necessarily be what it was 1,000 or 2,000 years ago. Tsunamis are known in the Mediterranean Sea, and several have been recorded in the history of Malta. In 1693 a tsunami hit the island of Gozo. The water receded a mile and then returned with a vengeance (Azzopardi 2002: 60). Shifting sand moved by a tsunami could have changed the contour of the seabed.A careful look at Map 2 with a magnifying glass reveals that the Munxar Reef is above the waterline and has what appeared to be three small islands. Unfortunately this map is not identified; nor is there a date given for when or by whom it was produced.The D’Aleccio map of the siege of Malta in 1565 was produced and published in 1582. On that map, the Munxar Reef appears as a series of small islands or a peninsula (Ganado 1984: Plate 18).An Internet search revealed the Boisgelin Map of Malta produced in 1805, but I have not examined this map first hand. The Munxar Reef looked like the horn of a unicorn. Geographically, it could be a peninsula or a series of small islands.The earliest known map of Malta was produced in 1536 (Vella 1980). Map 2 must be later than this one, as are the D’Aleccio and Boisgelin maps. They tell us that at least in the 16th century there were three small islands, or a peninsula, above the Munxar Reef. The question is, what was the reef like in the First Century AD? According to the "Geological Map of the Maltese Islands" (Map 1, 1993) the cliff overlooking the Munxar Reef is made of Middle Globigerina Limestone. It is described as "a planktonic foraminifera-rich sequence of massive, white, soft carbonate mudstones locally passing into pale-grey marly mudstone." Assuming the small islands and/or peninsula were made of the same material, over 2,000 years this soft limestone would have eroded away by the constant wave action and occasional tsunamis. If this is the case, it raises some interesting questions: Were the small islands bigger, or was it a peninsula in the First Century AD? If so, how high was the land and how far out did it go? If it were higher than the grain ship, then it would lead to serious questions as to whether the captain could see the beach at all. It might have even been impossible to cross over it by sea in order to reach the beach.The Six Anchors (Acts 27: 28-30, 40)Mr. Cornuke interviewed people, primarily old divers and spear fishermen, who claimed to have located four anchors on the south side of the Munxar Reef at 15 fathoms, or 90 feet of water. These interviews are the author’s prime evidence for Paul’s shipwreck. To be more precise, Mr. Cornuke located four anchor stocks, a stock being one part of a whole anchor.Before discussing the six anchor stocks that allegedly were discovered, a description of a wooden Roman anchor is necessary.

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10 Mar 11 12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow

12 Quick Tips For Eye ShadowBy: Ali Khan .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet The makeup is as important to the finished look as the clothes you wear, the fact that it really is much more important. We all spotted women who had no clue how to apply eye shadow. But I've also seen women who know how to apply it properly and they look up, and beautiful. You do not want such a woman? Of course - and we will get some top tips, so do just that.Great news - putting your eye shadow is not exactly very difficult at all. This is really just a matter of finding the right technique and look for you and your personal style. Do not worry if it takes a few tries to get it right. Check out the following tips:1.Always apply a base coat of the eye as you make the other cheek. Loose work force, or you can apply the foundation to the eye area. This also gives you a nice palette to work with.2.Blend, blend, then blend a bit. I can not stress this enough. Try an experiment. Blend one eye, then use the brush and apply to the other eye. You will instantly know what I'm talking about, and never forget to blend again.3.If you want dramatic eyes, eye shadow brush, dip it into water, then the shadow, then apply. This gives a much deeper, more dramatic color.4.If you have blue eyes, wear purple, violet, taupe, gray, blue, and black. Funky colors include fuchsia, turquoise and silver.5.If you have green eyes, wear purple, violet, forest green, brown, khaki and a. Funky colors include light green, gold, purple and clear.6.If you have brown eyes, wear, champagne, copper, brown, apricot, khaki, and beige. Funky colors include royal blue, tangerine, pink hand.7.Everyone can wear a navy blue, powder blue, and charcoal. Fun colors include silver.8.Apply a lighter shade to the inner corner of the eye, to reflect in your eyes and look younger.9.If you want your eyes to the greater use of light color of the inner corner and a darker shade near the center of the eye.10.Practice until you get down to the application of eye shadow science. If you get good, the make up will look more natural and sophisticated.11.Applies only to the dark shadow of the eyelid, the eyelash line to the crease of the eyelid. Apply the medium shade just below the eyelid crease to the brow bone.12.Highlight along the brow bone. This makes the features stand out in this so naturally and beautifully.So there you have it. With these top tips on what we already know how to apply eye shadow will look like the best.Do not forget that while practicing all these steps must be taken to realize that what works best for you. Practice alone, practice with a friend, or if it is easier to ask someone else's opinion.And one more thing. If you make your face looking youthful results for the anti-wrinkle creams, you can make up for all that you will be so much better.So it goes, and you will receive a beautiful immediately!Article Source: abcarticledirectoryWe provide you with many free tips on Health, Beauty, Weight Loss and Fitness, e in and learn, Beautify yourself. Beauty Tips Health Tips Weight Loss TipsNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Ali KhanRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe History Of Enrolled Agents- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica10 Simple Steps To A Clearer Skin- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


5 Mar 11 Using Social Networking Sites For Affiliate Marketing

Using Social Networking Sites For Affiliate MarketingBy: Daniel Alan .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet You might not know this, but social networking sites aren't just for teenagers anymore. In fact, social networking sites have evolved into something different altogether than what they once were networks composed mainly of teenage girls.Today, social networking sites span the spectrum of demographic groups. While teenagers are still more apt to use them than older people, there are now niche social networking sites, NHL Shop
which target people who all share some common interest, such as a skateboarding or investing.Now, in addition to teenagers and adults, social networks are increasingly becoming used by another group businesses. That's right: many businesses are now infiltrating social networks to advertise in some subtle manner and then replicate their message through systems that are already available within the social network.The most prominent social network is MySpace, which boasts a membership base of 1.06 hundred million (and still growing!).If the affiliate product you are selling has a broad appeal, you may want to use MySpace to market your product, as you will be able to reach the largest crowd quickly.Now, there are a number of different ways in which you can market your affiliate product through MySpace. One way is to setup a profile, purchase what is called an adder and then begin adding friends to your list on a daily basis.Depending on your goals, you may want to add a personal profile for yourself and then talk about your business/product on your page; or you may want to simply create a profile for your business and use that to market your product.While you can send out bulletins advertising your product through MySpace, this is generally discouraged by the MySpace staff and could lead to your getting banned. It is probably a good idea to avoid this; instead, post related bulletins that don't advertise your product, but talk about something similar.This will drive interested visitors to your page, where they can learn more about the affiliate product you are selling. Note, however, that you will have to link to a non-affiliate page, as affiliate links are expressly forbid on MySpace.Once you have had some experience marketing to the MySpace crowd, you will want to consider looking at other social networking sites.One other large site is Friendster. Bear in mind though, that this site is generally very popular in South-East Asia and other Asian countries.Facebook is another large social networking site, which caters specifically to college and high school students. You will also want to look for niche networking sites, which will afford you an opportunity to capture a more targeted audience.Whichever sites you decide to use, keep the following in mind: your goal should be to develop a network of people who Montreal Canadiens jersey
share a common interest and could potentially be interested in your specific product.For this reason, it is always a good idea to think long term (i.e. don't do things that are going to get you banned); instead, concentrate on building your network and introducing them to your affiliate product.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Daniel Alan is the creator of the Perfect Path To Wealth system and an expert at making money online.The Perfect Path To Wealth Affiliate Program is one of the best choices for affiliate marketing offering $33.90 per sale, which is a 75% commission. It is one of the best converting programs around and is free to join.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Daniel AlanRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Johnny Canadiens jersey
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24 Jan 11 Michigan Football: What to Expect When The Wolverines March Into Bloomington

Ben Chappell has been very good for Indiana so far in 2010.Andy Lyons/Getty ImagesThere's the uncanny familiarity wafting through the air around Ann Arbor. The 4-0 start, the last-second win over ND, the Heisman candidate, and the Big Ten opener (which happened to be against an undefeated Indiana). Rich Rod is 2-0 in Big Ten openers, a 27-25 triumph over Wisconsin in 2008 [the 2nd biggest comeback in Michigan history] and last year, a 36-33 shootout with these very Hoosiers. The only difference this time around is this is the first Big Ten opener on the road. So what exactly should we expect when the Wolverines invade Bloomington this Saturday? The DramaIn an interesting plot twist, Michigan's punter, Will Hagerup, will be facing his older brother Chris, who is Indiana's punter. Michigan's defensive Reebok Pittsburg Steelers #83 Heath Miller Realtree camo Jersey
lineman Jibreel Black is Hoosier lineman Larry Black's brother. Whoever would have thought that we would be redefining sibling rivalry this week? OverviewBoth teams walk in with, for lack of a better word, sexy offenses. The pistol has been kind to the Hoosiers and senior QB Ben Chappell is making some noise (never mind it was against three of the worst teams in college football). At a 72.4 percent completion rate and no INTs, he's looking quite studly out there. Indiana has a talented corp of receivers that will likely do a number on the Michigan secondary.Michigan's offense is rolling. It hasn't slowed down since the first game, and in fact, it's become faster. If what Michigan did to Bowling Green last Saturday was any indication of how this offense is going to run through the conference, then I suspect many Big Ten coaches are sleeping just a bit less.Michigan amassed 721 yards of total offense, just five short of the record they set last year against Delaware State. At least this was an FBS school. The defenses are both suspect, which means we've got the stage set for another barn-burner. Michigan's Rush Attack vs. Indiana's Rush DefenseMichigan comes to town sporting the nations No. 1 offense in the nation, amassing 2251 yards in the first four games (for about 563 yards/game). More pertinent, however, is that Michigan has the second-best rushing attack in the nation behind Air Force. The Wolverines finished last game with 466 yards on the ground, and are currently averaging 333 rushing yards per game. This doesn't bode well for an Indiana team that has one of the least desirable rushing defenses in the nation. Indiana comes in at No. 92, allowing 177 yards per game on the ground to their opponents.How will the game turn out on Saturday?How will the game turn out on Saturday?Indiana in a blowout0%Indiana by some0%Indiana by a little0%Michigan by a little0%Michigan covers spread (10.5)0%Michigan in a blowout0%Total votes: 0And how did the Hoosiers wind up 92nd in the nation at defending the run? By playing FCS Towson, Western Kentucky, and Akron.Sounds respectable? Think again. Towson, Western Kentucky, and Akron have combined for just one win (they're 1-11 altogether), the lone victory being Towson's in five OT against Coastal Carolina. Western Kentucky is on a 24-game losing streak, and Akron is a lower-tier winless MAC opponent. Michigan's rushing attack is commanded by Denard Robinson, the nation's leading rusher. Behind Robinson are capable backs in Vincent Smith, Stephen Hopkins (especially for goal line plays), and Mike Cox. The only thing benefiting Indiana in this category is that starter Mike Shaw is out this week with an injury. Edge: MICHIGAN Michigan's Pass Attack vs. Indiana's Pass DefenseMichigan's pass attack has not been as stellar as the run Arizona Cardinals jersey
attack, but it is still formidable. Starting QB Denard Robinson owns a 71.3 percent completion percentage and has tossed the ball for 731 yards and 4 TDs while throwing one INT. Not too shabby for a QB who used to be a run-only option.Roy Roundtree (pictured), Martavious Odoms, and Darryl Stonum are emerging as a triple-threat at receiver for Michigan.Gregory Shamus/Getty ImagesOkay, so Michigan's pass attack is established. Indiana has done sufficiently well defending the pass, allowing just 161 yards per game. This statistic is deceiving. First of all, Indiana hasn't faced a receiving corp as talented as Michigan's, and secondly, teams that face Indiana aren't passing because they're having success running the ball. If Indiana gets too caught up in trying to stop Denard from running, he likely won't have a problem finding open receivers. Roy Roundtree, Darryl Stonum, Kelvin Grady, and company present a real threat down the field and should be enough to keep Indiana's unproven secondary occupied. Edge: MICHIGAN Indiana's Rushing Attack vs. Michigan's Rushing DefenseIndiana has failed to establish a running game so far this year. Indiana's running back Darius Willis tore Michigan up for 152 yards in last year's meeting, but he has since been unable to duplicate that effort. Combine that with Michigan coming off of allowing just 32 yards to BGSU and their good RB (Willie Geter), and Indiana looks to be in trouble. In four games, Willis has managed 219 yards and two TDs, good for 54.75 yards/game. This kind of production will be met with significant resistance from the Michigan's front four. Linebacker play has improved substantially for the Wolverines after Greg Robinson took over the unit. It is, by no means perfect, but combine that with Mike Martin and a defensive line holding their own, and it looks like Indiana might not have a chance to get anything going on the ground.Tandon Doss just may be the best receiver in the Big Ten.Andy Lyons/Getty ImagesEdge: MICHIGAN Indiana's Pass Attack vs. Michigan's Pass DefenseIf Indiana is going to beat Michigan, it is going to be through the air. Expect the Hoosier pass attack to come often. Leading the aerial attack is senior QB Ben Chappell, who has been very impressive in his first four outings this season. He boasts a 72.4 percent completion rate, good for 890 yards and nine TDs. Oh, and he hasn't thrown an interception at all this year. Actually, Indiana has never turned the ball over this year, but I digress. Michigan's secondary has accurately been described as the Achilles' heel of this Michigan team. This is true, and the unit will prevent Michigan from otherwise doing something quite special this season. Expect the mistakes to continue from the Wolverines secondary; they are well intentioned, but mistakes nonetheless.Chappell is undoubtedly the best QB this young secondary will be up against, and the Hoosiers have excellent receivers in Doss, Turner, and Lynch. In fact, Tandon Doss may be the best receiver in the conference now after Purdue's Keith Smith went down with an injury. Edge: INDIANASpecial TeamsWell, we didn't learn much about Michigan's special teams last week as Michigan cruised to 31 first downs, never having to punt. Michigan was never forced to kick a field goal either (*sigh of relief*). Atlanta Falcons jersey
Michigan's punting is inconsistent (Will Hagerup averages 39 yards per punt, but owns punts of 53 and 51 yards). The coverage is, well, average on kicks and punts. Overall, it's nothing to write home about. I think the game plan for the Wolverines is to never have to use their special teams units. Indiana is in a similar boat: field goal woes (not nearly as bad), a punter who's average isn't the greatest, and the loss of return threat Ray Fisher. I wouldn't expect anyone to really impress on special teams in this game. Edge: INDIANA (slightly) PredictionMICH 42, Indiana 32


22 Jan 11 Michigan Football vs. UMass Revisited: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Mike Shaw had a career day, rushing for 126 yards and 3 TDs.Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesThe GoodMike Shaw's coming out party? He carried the ball 12 times for 126 yards and three touchdowns!What's most interesting is that he only had 11 yards in the first half. If he can put together four quarters the way he Reebok Chicago Bears #6 Jay Cutler Realtree camo Jersey
played the second half, Michigan's running game might finally come back to life.As for Denard Robinson, would you expect any different? He did commit his first turnover of the year, coming on his first pass of the game. To his credit, it was tipped, but the pass was ill-advised.Robinson quickly atoned for his first-quarter error by throwing 10-for-14 for 241 yards and two TDs. Oh, and he also rushed for 104 yards on 17 tries and an additional TD.Denard Robinson is the dual threat. He finished with 345 yards, and the Denard show rolls on.How about No. 22, Darryl Stonum? The guy only had three receptions, but man did he make them count, including a short pass that he quickly turned into a 66-yard touchdown catch-and-run. He finished the game with 121 reception yards.The offensive line is still doing very well. It is one of the most veteran and talented units on the team, and as UMass tried to contain Robinson, they helped open up Shaw's career-best game. Hopefully they can continue their stellar performance.Michigan put forth a classy reaction to the news that UMass' band director passed away two days earlier. The band, known as the "Power and Class of New England," received a roaring, standing ovation from a half-full Big House around 30 minutes before kickoff after performing for the first time without George Parks at the helm.Jordan Kovacs strip and subsequent fumble recovery. Yep, 'nuff said.The BadCraig Roh and Mike Martin. This is sort of a limbo between good and bad because Roh and Martin are very frequently in the backfield. Unfortunately, they always seem to be a step too late to get a sack.The inability to get the quarterback down (and give him copious amounts of time in the pocket) is killing the team's secondary.Include coach Rich Rodriguez's decision to attempt a field goal after a drive stalled as "The Bad"-worthy. Tisk, tiskhe should know better by now.The referees were awful. Now, I disdain this argument for poor play, but at least two of Michigan's drives were killed by blown or missed calls.The first of the two calls that stick out in my mind is a late hit on Robinson somewhere toward the beginning of the game, in which a UMass defender went for a hit after the whistle was blown and Robinson was out of bounds. The referee nearest the action threw the flag, but the ref across the field apparently said no, and they decided there was no foul.The second was a pass interference call that was thrown on Michigan. Kyle Havens took a strike at the end zone but was far off target, and the ball was uncatchablenevertheless the refs called pass interference and kept the Minutemen's drive alive.Finally, after Michigan forced a UMass turnover, the offense rushed onto the field and snapped the ball. The referees actually stopped the play after Robinson snapped the ball to review the previous play. Luckily, the ruling on the field stood, and Michigan got the ball.UMass absolutely owned possession, leading Michigan by more than 15 minutes. UMass had the ball for 37:38 and Michigan for 22:22. This didn't give our team's weak and worn-down defense much time off the field.It would appear Michigan's strength of schedule is weakening. Before the season started, UConn and Notre Dame looked like quality opponents, but after Temple's two-touchdown defeat of UConn and Reebok Dallas Cowboys #82 Jason Witten Realtree camo Jersey
Notre Dame's overtime loss to Michigan State, Michigan's ranking is starting to look slightly lofty.In fact, sportswriters acknowledged that and moved Michigan down a spot despite winningalways a strange phenomenon.The UglyMichigan's secondary, which was torched for the third (arguably only second) straight game. The blame should be a little dispersed on this one, though; after all, had Roh and Martin capitalized on their frequent trips to the backfield, then Havens likely wouldn't have had as much opportunity to pass.Also, after you get an interception, it's a good idea to avoid fumbling it. I don't fault Cam Gordon too much for that, but UMass gained a ton of yardage after Michigan intercepted and then UMass recovered the fumble.Missed tackles/poor tackles. There's not too much to say here. Havens should have been sacked about 10 times, but he wasn't, and missed tackles (or people trying to arm-tackle) allowed him to get the ball off way too many times. He was pretty good at throwing on the run too.Michigan's D-line was not at its best. I was impressed with the D-line's play the previous two weeks, but it seemed every first down the Minutemen would gash the Michigan line for 4-5 yards. It's not that hard to move on 2nd-and-5, so the line needs to tighten back up.Special teams. Good lord that's got to be the worst part of the team. Our kickoff coverage is terrible, as UMass frequently got to the 35-yard line when we kicked, we had one of our punts blocked, and we've still only made one field goal all year. It would appear that we're not getting to the catcher when we punt very quickly, as the punt returner is averaging about 11 yards gained from our punts.Actually, the defense on both teams was pretty offMichigan and UMass racked up 967 yards of offense and 79 total points. Pretty crazy, and not in a good way.Why we shouldn't worry...that muchI can think of many games where 20-plus-point favorites have come in and either allowed the game to be uncomfortably close or lost, then went on to complete a decent season.Take Ohio State last year: In their opening game against Navy, they were an 18-point favorite and the game came down to the final seconds, as OSU held on to win by four.Ohio State was more than a 20-point favorite over Purdue last year and lost. So why should Michigan not be worried? Well, despite the Wolverines' lack of success when coming into the game as the overwhelming favorite, they still did go on to win the Rose Bowl. (Don't take this out of context, I am in NO way saying Michigan will be anywhere near Pasadena this year.)Michigan built up a nice 42-24 cushion only to watch it evaporate. While somewhat worry-inducing, you can take slight reprieve that it wasn't all the defense's fault. The two TDs that brought the score within five came because (1) UMass blocked a punt and capitalized on it, and (2) Cam Gordon fumbled away an interception to UMass.The game could have easily ended 42-24 and people would not be as hysterical about it as they are now.The take-home messageEveryone knew it Reebok Dallas Cowboys #9 Tony Romo Realtree camo Jersey
was ugly. Rich Rod, pleased with a win, but visibly disturbed with the manner that it happened, said it was the "quietest winning locker room he's ever been in."The players knew it, the fans knew it, and Rich Rod knew it.Even when the team ran over to the student section after the game they were unenthusiastic. Usually, a win means the athletes sprint over and jump up into the stands to the waiting, open arms of the student body. Everyone laughs, smiles, and sings The Victors.Instead, all we saw was a quick singing of The Victors and the players lethargically meandering to the locker room. It was lackluster.Roh did give us a glimmer of hope, though:"We were terrible on defense,'' Roh said. "We just didn't look like we were prepared to play and we didn't make adjustments during the game."I promise you'll not see another game like that from us again.''Let's hope Roh is right.


18 Jan 11 Garrett Gilbert, Texas Longhorns Ready for Breakout Game Against UCLA Bruins

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesThe Texas Longhorns will host the UCLA Bruins on Saturday afternoon in what will be their premiernon-conferencematchup of the 2010 season. In three games as the Horns signal caller, Garrett Gilbert has showed his composure and poise. Now he is ready to jump into the Chicago Bears jersey
spotlight as the next big thing on the Forty Acres. The game still holds significance as a final tune-up before Texas clashes with Oklahoma in Dallas for their annual Red River Rivalry, a game that will have all of the college football world speculating. Typically, the winner of that game goes on to represent the Big 12 South in the conference championship game, and a breakout performance from Gilbert against UCLA will build confidence in preparation for an Oklahoma defense ranked 89th overall that gives up over 400 yards of offense per game. But let us not get ahead of ourselves. Despite the Bruins recent victory over No. 23 Houston, the injury to the Cougars star quarterback Case Keenum cannot be overstated, but credit is due to UCLArunning game that racked up 266 yards on the ground. The Horns are coming off a 24-14 win over the Red Raiders, where the sophomore Gilbert threw for 227 yards, two touchdowns, and three interceptions that were easily avoidable. But the key to the game was not the interceptions, nor was it the defensive mismatch that Texas so proficiently displayed against Texas Tech.The key was the emergence of viable targets for the pigskin.Continuing the development of capable and consistent receivers will only magnify Gilbertskills in the passing game, and connecting on the deep ball can finally turn this sleeping giant of an offense into a juggernautthough the offensive line undoubtedly needs to up its performance. True freshman Mike Davis and senior James Kirkendoll combined for 12 receptions and 167 yards. These two pass catchers will be critical in Gilbertdevelopment in both the short and long term. Throw in the speedy talent Marquise Goodwin, and there are makings of some potent combos all over the field. The trust between quarterback and receivers is beginning to come full circle. Now poised for a breakout, if Gilbert continues to build that confidence and comfort with his wideouts, it might allow this Longhorns offense to take flight, and the matchup against an inferior UCLA defense will let the Cincinnati Bengals jersey
72nd-ranked unit bloom in ways that fans have not yet witnessed. Winning SignsMultiple signs point to a healthy margin of victory for Texas. The highly competent UCLA rushing attack will face off against the FBS top-ranked rush defense in the Longhorns, who give up just 44 yards per game (9.5 yards less than the second-ranked Boise State).Overall, the Horns defense ranks second, allowing 206 yards per game. Meanwhile, the Bruins are 105th in rush defense, 27th in pass defense, and 76th overallclearly not a daunting defensive unit by any means, but Rick Neuheiselteam will be playing with an air of confidence coming off a big win over Houston. Should the Horns' defense have its way with a one-dimensional Bruins offense ranked 31st in rushing, 118th in passing, 105th in scoring, and 99th overall, do not be surprised if Texas offensive coordinator Greg Davis begins to open the playbook and truly test Gilbertarm and precision.Digesting the Bruins Defense Bruins safety Rahim Moore will be a point of emphasis for Gilbert. Keeping the 6'1" junior on his heels should leave ample throwing space behind a couple of sophomore corners for UCLA.Apart from Moore and junior linebacker Akeem Ayers, UCLA lacks the true playmakers on the defensive side of the ball to make impact plays. Marquise Goodwin's development into a playmaker is paramount.Bob Levey/Getty ImagesWith UCLA giving up over 350 yards of offensemostly on the groundto both Kansas State and Stanford to open the year, Texas may very well have its way moving the chains on Saturday with either dimension. Young players like Davis, Goodwin, and Barrett Matthews could have lasting impacts in this game.The Best Offense Is a Good Defense? Ironically, Texas defensive bullying could be a leading factor in Cleveland Browns jersey
Gilbertbreakout performance. The sophomore has seldom controlled the offense while the team held a healthy advantage, and with a defensive unit that allows just over 12 points a gametied for ninth in the FBSGilbert can ease into executing a game plan that could be a preview of the things to see against the Sooners in a couple of weeks. Establishing a comfort zone with little pressure will open the outlets in the passing game, clearly with the looming Red River Rivalry game in the headlights. A quick start offensively, followed by a stonewall effort on defense, will build that buffer zone that ultimately will break Gilbertshell and push him onto the scene as one of the top young quarterbacks in the country.


15 Jan 11 St. Louis Rams "Free Agents" Commentary Kevin Curtis Shaun McDonald Stephen Davis

Sign 'emKevin Curtis, wide receiver: If the Rams can sign Curtis, they will be set at the WR position for years to come, with Isaac Bruce and Curtis swapping the second and third slot in the next year or two. However, with the new acquisition of Tom Condon as his agent, Curtis is sending a message that he will be availing his services to the highest bidder. While the Rams should be willing to pay him good money, they shouldn't offer the 28-year-old a ridiculous amount of cash, which another team most likely will. With myriad problems to address on defense, the Rams Reebok Pittsburg Steelers #83 Heath Miller Realtree camo Jersey
simply cannot afford to spend their free agent dollars on a receiver -- despite his potential -- when they already have two Hall of Fame wideouts on the roster. Matt Turk, punter: If you can't remember the last time the Rams had a quality punter, perhaps you weren't born yet. St. Louis hasn't gotten any consistency from the punting position since the '80s, when Dale Hatcher manned the spot. Sure, Turk is a bit long in the tooth, but considering how many failed experiments the Rams have had at this position, they can't afford to gamble, meaning they should re-sign the big-footed Turk. Sign 'em if they'll come cheap.Todd Steussie, offensive tackle: Steussie provided the leadership and veteran stability on an injury-beset, baby-faced offensive line that featured the maniacal Ritchie Incognito (whose temper cost the Rams one of the Seattle games) and Alex Barron, who will probably be flagged for false start in the offseason. Steussie can play guard or tackle and did exactly what the Rams signed him to do; for a reasonable price, they should have him do it again.Shaun McDonald, wide receiver: McDonald has shown much more potential as a receiver than as a return man, and this is where the Rams should think of keeping him. In truth, the Rams are much higher on Curtis than McDonald, and they may not make a tremendous effort to keep him. St. Louis may well lose both players, but if the team can get McDonald at a bargain price, he's worth keeping as a fourth receiver. However, the Rams may not be comfortable with McDonald assuming the third wideout role, should Curtis defect. Isaiah Kacyvenski, linebacker: Kacyvenski is a solid, proven special teams player, and to say that the Rams have a dearth of such men would be an understatement. The Rams were their usual wretched selves on Arizona Cardinals jersey
coverage units this past season and Kacyvenski is the type of player who goes a long way toward stopping the bleeding. As long as the asking price is reasonable, the Rams should dole out a few bucks to Kacyvenski.Brandon Chillar, linebacker: Chillar enjoyed his best season to date, posting 56 tackles and two sacks. However, there has been much clamoring in Rams Nation of late in favor of signing a bigger, run-stuffing middle linebacker, and moving Will Witherspoon to the OLB spot opposite Pisa Tinoisamoa. While the Rams have not yet indicated that this may be the direction they are headed, head coach Scott Linehan may be wise to listen to the fans in this case. Either a Jeremiah Trotter or Ray Lewis-type monster should be in order, or the Rams should at least seek to add yet another tackling machine in the mold of Witherspoon and Tinoisamoa. Chillar is serviceable, but more needs to be done to rectify the putrid run defense. He's a worthy backup if he'll sign cheap. Bon VoyageTravis Fisher, cornerback: In his defense, Fisher has played well for the Rams. Unfortunately, he hasn't done so since 2003. If Fisher could maintain some semblance of health, he would warrant some consideration; but he seems to be perennially injury plagued, and you're not worth a roster spot if you can't stay on the field. Some team will take a chance on him.Stephen Davis, running back: It's easy to assume that having a proven veteran such as Davis is a great boon in case the unthinkable happens to Steven Jackson. However, Davis will be 33 next season and has so many miles on Atlanta Falcons jersey
him from his Washington days, that it's easy to conclude he is a single snap away from another catastrophic injury. The Rams do need a veteran back, but not so veteran that he once played alongside Henry Ellard and Flipper Anderson (yes, that Ellard and Flipper, with the Redskins). The Rams can find a veteran back whose tread isn't nearly as worn, and probably for fairly cheap, as long as his initials aren't M.F (a potential can of worms the Rams have no business reopening). (9)


14 Jan 11 Seattle Seahawks "Seahawks had reasons for announcing Jim Mora's promotion now"

When Mike Holmgren announced last month that he was coming back for another season as coach of the Seattle Seahawks, he was asked whether Jim Mora might replace him. His reply: "That's for another press conference, and I won't be there."Holmgren wasn't lying. He wasn't present when team CEO Tod Carolina Panthers jersey
Leiweke and president Tim Ruskell surprised everyone by making the unusual -- perhaps unprecedented -- move of appointing Holmgren's successor when they announced last week that Mora would indeed replace Holmgren in 2009.The announcement was not unexpected. It just was not expected to happen until next year at this time. So why do it now?Leiweke and Ruskell said they wanted to get this out of the way so everyone -- including potential free agents -- would know who would be in charge in 2009.But there are a couple of other reasons they did it now. First, by inserting the succession plan into Mora's contract, the Seahawks made it clear they were not circumventing the Rooney Rule, which requires teams looking for a new coach to interview at least one minority but also allows for contractual successions.Second -- and perhaps most important -- the Seahawks probably were trying to send a message to Pro Bowl cornerback Marcus Trufant, who is scheduled to become a free agent Feb. 29. Trufant blossomed under Mora's guidance in 2007, turning in his best season and making the Pro Bowl for the first time. When Mora was hired to be the secondary coach last year, he immediately said he would move Trufant back to his natural side on the left of the defense. He also gave Trufant confidence by talking openly about the Pro Bowl, and then Mora played his safeties deep so Trufant could play footloose and fancy free. The Seahawks know it will take a lot of money ($20 million in bonuses alone) to re-sign Trufant, but Leiweke and Ruskell are trying to stack the odds in their favor as much as they can -- hoping that Trufant's Northwest roots and the promotion of Mora will entice the corner to stay. We can only hope Ruskell doesn't make the mistake of putting the transition tag on Trufant and losing him like he did Steve Hutchinson. Of course, the franchise tag is not a great option either -- that would cost the Seahawks $9.465 million for 2008. The Seahawks know the best way to keep Trufant is with a long-term contract, and they are doing whatever they can to facilitate that.The Seahawks gave Mora a four-year contract extension and wrote into it the stipulation that he would take over as the team's coach in 2009. That kind of contractual agreement has been done before, most recently Chicago Bears jersey
when Mike Martz was tabbed as Dick Vermeil's replacement in St. Louis and again last month when Jim Caldwell was appointed as the official successor to Tony Dungy whenever the coach of the Indianapolis Colts retires. The difference is that those two other succession plans were made with no timetable, while the Seahawks' decision to name a new coach a year early might be unprecedented in league history.And for those who think the Seahawks have violated the Rooney Rule, that is not the case."Those who crafted the [Rooney Rule] said that this is how an organization should perform," Leiweke told reporters. "If you can have succession from within an organization, that is what a team should aspire to. That is how enlightened companies operate."Cyrus Mehri, a civil-rights attorney who helped create the Rooney Rule, told ESPN, "Look, we don't want anyone to do any end-run around the Rooney Rule, but if you already had contractual succession planned -- and that means in writing -- then we don't have a problem with that."We're just trying to be consistent," Mehri added. "Consistent with what happened with Mike Martz following Dick Vermeil and Caldwell following Dungy. What has happened in Seattle seems to be following exactly the same approach. And I got reassurances from the league that it follows the exact same language as with Caldwell, so really it's the identical situation."Ruskell said he never talked to Mora about this possibility when he hired the coach to mentor the defensive backs last year. But even if he didn't say it in so many words, it was clear to all that this would probably happen because Ruskell made Mora, the former coach of the Atlanta Falcons, the Seahawks' assistant head coach, too. That meant Mora could leave only for a head-coaching job. He had a chance to do that last month when the Washington Redskins came calling. But he withdrew from that opportunity, surely knowing he would have the same chance in Seattle at some point. A few days later, that chance materialized when Holmgren announced 2008 would be his final season."What [Holmgren] has done here, by announcing his retirement a year ahead of time, has afforded this organization [the chance] to make a smooth transition," Ruskell said, "to be seamless, to be non-chaotic, which is kind of rare in the sports world and certainly in the NFL." Neither coach was present at the news conference announcing the succession plan, but both issued statements assuaging concerns that the plan would be a distraction in 2008.Mora said: "I am Cincinnati Bengals jersey
extremely excited about the future but completely focused on the opportunity we have in front of us this season. My job this year, as it was last, is to coach the secondary to the best of my ability and support coach Holmgren and the defensive staff in any way I can. In addition to thanking Mr. Allen [owner Paul Allen], Tod and Tim for having faith in me and making this possible, I would like to thank Mike Holmgren, who has helped me immensely this past season, and from whom I have learned a great deal."Holmgren said: "This makes a lot of sense for the organization, Jim is a talented coach who has already had a measure of success in this league and has all the tools here needed to succeed. As I have stated many times before, I believe, with Tod and Tim in place, the future of this franchise is very bright and the continuity a move like this provides can only be a good thing moving forward."


13 Jan 11 Atlanta Hawks' Joe Johnson Is Not Underrated

Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesOn the left of the above picture is Vince Carter of the Orlando Magic. Carter is hitting the back end of his career, however his name associates with some of the best NBA players of the past few decades.On the right is Joe Johnson, the soft spoken two guard with the most generic name and one ofReebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
the silkiest games in the NBA.One man, Vince, is the epitome of stardom. Average Joe on the other hand has been labeled by the NBA as an "underrated star."It seems every single sports broadcaster and NBA analyst drops the same line when covering the Atlanta Hawks and Joe Johnson."You are looking at the most underrated player in the NBA right there."Now, in essence that is a compliment. When people are claiming you are underrated they are telling the sports world to "watch out for this guy!"Usually, eventually, that player breaks the ice and achieves that star status.However, Joe is stuck. After becoming the marquee player on the Atlanta Hawks, a team that has escalated its winning ways drastically in correlation with his tenure in Atlanta, Johnson is still being called the most underrated player in the NBA.Why? It went from a few people claiming he was underrated to everyone calling him underrated.And now, everyone has called Joe Johnson underrated for the past four seasons.So, if everyone unanimously agrees Joe Johnson is in fact underrated, does that not officially lift the underrated title from his name?You call someone underrated when they are a diamond in the rough; a needle in the hay stack.Johnson once was just that. Despite his talent, Johnson was a sixth man in Boston and in Phoenix. His transfer to the Hawks was a quiet transaction, considering the franchise was at the bottom of the NBA.Johnson would quickly blossom with Atlanta, and eventually became their top performer and a regular starter. Still, he quietly went about his business, thanks to the fact his team was nothing to brag about.And everyone forgot about the Hawks, and Joe Johnson, except for that occasional local writer who would say, "Johnson is very good, he is very underrated."I remember the days, and at that time it was good to see someone was high on the Hawks franchise. Not everyone was going to be. They were terrible.But it's 2010 folks, and the Hawks have been in the spotlight as the NBA's favorite dark horse team for the past few seasons.Johnson Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers 43 Troy Polamalu Realtree camo Jersey
has become an all-star player and leads one of the rawest and most athletic starting fives in the Association.The Hawks went from 37-45 and taking Boston to seven games, to 47-35, and now have started the year 24-13 and are fourth in the Eastern standings.They have defeated Boston three out of three times this year. They have blown out half of their opponents.And Joe Johnson is leading the train with 21 points and five assists per game. His statistics are not quite super star material.However, when put on the big stage, Johnson comes through. We saw it happen vs. Boston a few years ago. We saw it last year against Miami in the first round of the playoffs.And this season he seems to be coming on stronger than ever.Yet the media still cannot get it out of their head that this guy has finally made it.What makes him so hard to grasp? Why are the Hawks still a bunch of no name players?They are certainly the most fun team to watch in basketball, and in clutch time Johnson may only come behind LeBron, Wade, and possibly Dwight Howard in the East.So I guess he's on the brim. But I cannot help but notice his quiet persona makes him a boring prospect for sports media.This guy isn't underhanding balls from halfcourt in warmups. He's not doing a bunch of commercials. He's just going out and scoring.And leading the change in Atlanta. The Hawks went from a 13 win team in 2004 to a 47 win team in 2008, with the win total increasing drastically each year.Johnson is responsible for a lot of that. However, he's still the NBA's most underrated player. He's still the guy who DOESN'T have sound bites come up on SportsCenter every other day.He is even kind of a microcosm of the Atlanta Hawks. People don't like calling the Hawks an elite team. They like calling the Suns an elite team. They like calling the Reebok Green Bay Packers 21 Charles Woodson Realtree camo Jersey
Magic an elite team.But when it comes to the Hawks, people cringe when you ask if they are elite. But, is it not funny that they absolutely LOVE calling the Hawks the sleeper?People like calling the Hawks the sleeper; the darkhorse.The same goes for Joe Johnson. People have become so accustomed to calling him the underrated superstar that they cannot let it go.So what do you guys think? Is Joe Johnson an elite player? Will he ever move beyond his status? Or will he and the Hawks forever be the trendy darkhorse?

12 Jan 11 Miami Heat: Five Realizations from Loss in Toronto

Chris Graythen/Getty ImagesAnother torturous game. Another game the Miami Heat could have easily won if it played the right defense and made its open shots. Also another chance to realize what truly is wrong with this team.Obviously it's not Dwyane Wade, 35 points and 10 assists, and it never has been. It was only in the 92-91 loss to Cleveland where Wade actually cost his team the game after his teammates actually started to step up. This recent game against Toronto is a much different case and is near the exact same of many of the Heat's 22 losses this season.It all became so apparent and so obvious last night and I don't know how I didn't see it before.1. Aside from Udonis Haslem, the Heat have absolutely no bench.There is literally none. Haslem is the only person off the pine that can come off andWashington Redskins jersey
consistently score 10 points. Dorell Wright at times can get into the double digits, but it's a rarity. Joel Anthony is utilized only for defense, James Jones only hits threes when he feels like it, Daequon Cook has been one of the larger dissapointments for the Heat this season, and Mario Chalmers is just abysmal on both sides of the ball.The three players that are rarely utilized are Carlos Arroyo and Jamaal Maggloire. Arroyo is a fairly consistant shooter who developed a chemistry with the team when he was given the starting role and the team began to win games. Maggloire is purely a body and nothing more to this team. While he could be used for aggressive defense and somewhat of an offensive threat, he rides the bench where he will see two minutes of playing time when the game is already well-decided.2. Why do the Heat lose? Watch the first six minutes of the second and fourth quarters.The game against Toronto cannot be used as an example for the Heat's second largest offensive threat in Michael Beasley was injured and unable to truly compete, but even aside from that, the first six minutes of the second quarter is what allows every Heat opponent to come back. Take a look at the recent Cavs-Heat game. 34-24 after the end of the first quarter capped off by stellar performances from Dwyane Wade and Jermaine O'Neal.Take a look at the second quarter now: Heat outscored 26-20. Aside from Wade, no one else made a field goal on the team. Not Beasley, not Haslem, and not O'Neal. Not anyone, and this happens every game, just not usually to that extreme. When Wade is not on the floor, the offense becomes stagnant and resorts to low-percentage jumpers and careless turnovers.The defense will hold its own, but eventually the opposing team will make a few shots, while the Heat's bench and Beasley will do little to nothing. It's the same in the fourth quarter: Wade sits the first six minutes and a lead is most likely to be blown. Another example would be the Heat-Nuggets game early in the season. The Heat were riding a close-to-30 point lead going into Reebok Arizona Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald Realtree camo Jersey
the fourth quarter with Wade sitting out for the first nine minutes before having to come back in after the Nuggets got it near 10.A 20 point swing in nine minutes. For 12 minutes, every game is embarrassing to watch.3. There are no three-point shooters.It looked like Quentin Richardson would finally be the answer to the Heat's three point shooting woes after Antoine Walker, James Posey, and Jason Williams departed two years ago, but alas here we are, and no one can hit a three. Richardson has been held under double digits for seven consecutive games and has only hit more than one three once in those seven.Cook has been awful since last year's three-point shootout. James Jones is rarely utilized, and when he is, he'll jack up four and make one. The point guards are little to no help with Alston being the most consistent (I guess) at around 35 percent.So who is the new go to guy for threes? Dwyane Wade. By the way, Wade shoots 30 percent so deal with that. The Heat currently stand in the bottom half when it comes to three-point shooting and make only six per game on 34 percent shooting.Nobody shoots above 40 percent on the team.4. Perimeter defense was only a fad.Last year, the Heat were a poor defending team on the perimeter. They allowed shooters to shoot open shots and failed to close out most of the time. At the beginning of the 2009-10 season, it appeared that the Heat had solved that problem and began to guard the perimeter forcing opponents to shoot 30 percent in the first ten games of the season.Then they stopped playing tight perimeter defense. NBA players tend to make open shots, so they did. The Heat are 23-22 at the momentand are 20th in opposing team's three-point percentage at 36 percent.Wait, something happened here.Watch any of the first ten games of the season, and you will see an obvious difference from those games and the game against Toronto last night. There were close-outs, good rotations, and defense on the perimeter. Last night's game featured Andrea Bargnani shooting wide-open jumpers, Chris Bosh being able to drive into the paint because of the fact that no one was guarding him up top, and people named Sonny Weems being able to drive and get to the foul line as well.It was a problem last year, and it's a problem now. I can tell the Heat right now that NBA players have no problem with taking those open shots.5. The Heat really need Michael Beasley.Or at least a scorer like him. When Beasley was injured and Wade was sitting out to get his rest, there were absolutely no scorers. Haslem can hit his jumpers, but gets the help because Wade attracts two-to-three defenders, which allows Haslem to get his open jumpers.But Wade wasn't out there, and neither was Beasley, and no one scored. Instead of stretching the 11 point advantage after one, the Heat saw it cut to three by the half, and then saw it disappear midway through the third. No scorers besides Wade and no help when it came to offense. Wade gave his teammates a lot of open shots but saw most of them miss.The Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
same problem persists when Beasley doesn't hit his shots at the beginning of the second and fourth quarters as well. If he's not scoring, then it's a rarity someone else is picking up the slack.This team is a dynasty in the making, and all it needs is one more scorer to complement Wade and Beasley because the supporting cast is not doing its part. The trade deadline and the summer of 2010 couldn't come soon enough


10 Jan 11 Fixed? What The Knicks Should Do In The 2010 Offseason

Mike Stobe/Getty ImagesAs a Knick fan it hurts. I remember when a young NY team was the 7th seed in the playoffs. As of right now, They have secured some cap space to lure two superstars in 2010. They did move in the right direction by getting rid of Jamal Crawford, Zach Randolph, Stephon Marbury, Jared Jefferies and bringing in expiring contracts. Here's what I believe the Knicks should plan to do in 2010. I will bring from the offseason to next season.Resigning PeriodThe Knicks have a ton of free agents. Al Harrington, Chris Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
Duhon, Tracy McGrady, David Lee, Bill Walker, J.R. Giddens, Eddie House, Sergio Rodriguez, and Cuttino Mobley. The only one New York should bring back is All-Star David Lee. His 20 points and 11.4 rebounds might cost the Knicks a pretty penny. He would want between 10-12 million a year. If you can get the latter, good idea. If not, you can keep Lee's rights and look for a sign and trade. If the Knicks look to trade David Lee, I expect them to ask for a player and a 1st round pick for the 6'9" forward.Free AgencyWith a whole lot of cap space, the Knicks will build this team up. Donnie Walsh is a master of the signing. Walsh probably won't overpay David Lee and he has a good sense about who they need. This is where head coach Mike D'Antoni comes in, he knows what he needs to run his style of play. Other then the big superstars, here are 5 players I believe D'Antoni could target for his system1. Travis Outlaw ( Los Angeles Clippers)- Outlaw has all the tools to be a good player in D'Antoni's system. He has good size, (6'9") can play the SG or SF position, and still be good on both sides of the floor.2. Alando Tucker (Minnesota Timberwolves)- Tucker has been seldom used in his NBA career but he has skills. At 6'7", he would be a long defender off the bench who can provide some scoring.3. Raymond Felton (Charlotte Bobcats) - He's been underrated since day one. Raymond Felton is one of the only PG who can actually thrive in a D'Antoni offense. Right now, he averages 12 points and about five assists. In a D'Antoni system? He can easily average 16 points and 11 assists because he passes well. He had 7.0, 7.4 and 6.7 assists in his last 3 seasons.4. Nathan Jawai ( Minnesota Timberwolves) - The 23 year old center hasn't fit in the NBA yet. Since being drafted in 2008, Jawai has been sitting on the bench and getting little to no playing time. D'Antoni could use Jawai as his Center. At 6'10" he's a big who can get rebounds. He wouldn't have much to do but get garbage baskets, grab rebounds, and play defense5. TJ Ford Reebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
(Indiana Pacers )- Ford has a player option next season but if he declines, New York would have to be a team interested in him. Aside from this season, he was accountable for at least six assists per season. Imagine him in a run and gun offense.If the Knicks pick up one (or more) of these players to help D'Antoni's eight man rotation, I would be interested to see what is next for the Knicks. I would love LeBron and Wade but if not, here are my Top three combinations I would love New York to add if LeBron or Wade won't be coming to Madison Square Garden.1. Chris Bosh/Joe Johnson- Chris Bosh and Joe Johnson would be really scary. Bosh has the low post moves to average a 20-10 and Joe Johnson could not only be a scorer but as a passer.2. Chris Bosh/Rudy Gay - Rudy Gay would be a great mixup for the Knicks. He's young could still grow into a number one option.3. Amare Stoudemire/ Chris Bosh - Call me crazy, but Bosh and Stoudemire up front? Who's stopping that. This allows the Knicks to have a monster frontcourt and be able to score. This is the most unlikely but heywe can dream right? The DraftWith no 1st round pick this year (Thanks Zeke!), The Knicks will have to buy a 1st round pick again. Projecting where? The 27-29 spots. If the Knicks pick up a 1st round pick, I expect them to look for a wing who can defend or a PG who can be a decent backup/potential starter down the road. Maybe James Anderson from Oklahoma State, Quincy Pondexter from Washington, or Marquis Gilstrap from Iowa State. With there 2nd round pick, I expect that PG position to be locked up with a solid backup. Sherron Collins (if there) would have to be the guy. He's a born leader for Kansas. If he's gone, I expect them to look at Russia's Alexey Shved. At 6'6", he's a Point Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
Guard who's still growing. He has very good skills for his size and might be a potential project D'Antoni could look to work with.Thoughts? Opinions? Check Out My Basketball Site- www.dribbledrive5.webs.comFollow me at- Twitter.com/Qhaynes17


9 Jan 11 Without Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat are No Better Than a Lottery Team

Jed Jacobsohn/Getty ImagesThe Miami Heat have lost their last three games without Dwyane Wade, and a team that was expected to be improved over last year is lost without their perennial All-Star. The talent beyond Wade has been exposed for what it is: noncompetitive.A 94-71 loss at home on Saturday to the Milwaukee Bucks was nothing short of an embarrassment. Both Heat owner Micky Arison and president Pat Riley exited well before the fourth quarter buzzer, and avoided the final round of boos.On Feb 17. Wade left a game against the New Jersey Nets after just New Orleans Saints jersey
over eight minutes with a sprained quad. The Heat were able to hang on for an 87-84 victory, and two days later won an impressive double-overtime game against the Memphis Grizzlies. Things were looking up after seeing Michael Beasley drop a career-high 30 points. But since then the Heat haven't shown much of a fight. The team appears to be crumbling without No. 3 and the losses are getting worse—97-91 in Dallas and 91-88 to Minnesota before dropping Saturday's contest. ?With or without Dwyane Wade, a team featuring Jermaine O'Neal and Beasley should be better than it's been, losses like Saturdays can't be excused.Mario Chalmers and Daequan Cook have regressed. Rafer Alston and Quentin Richardson have disappeared, and Dorell Wright has become the lone bright spot on a squad that isn't New York Giants jersey
holding a candle to the '08-'09 season right now.Wright will be a free agent after the season and if the Heat are trying to land a second max player to pair with Wade there might not be enough room to retain him. So with that said, where does this roster really stand for next season. The development of the team's young players hasn't happened and all the real vets are free agents in the summer.At 29-30, the Heat are tied with the Charlotte Bobcats for the eighth seed in the Eastern Conference. With Sunday's visit to the Orlando Magic, baring a complete turnaround, Miami will be out of the playoff picture.?Last year the Heat went 43-39, finished fifth in the Eastern Conference, before losing in seven games to the Atlanta Hawks in the opening round of the playoffs. This year, the team would be lucky to avoid a sweep in a series against any of the big four in the Conference- assuming Miami even makes it to the postseason.?Eric Spoelstra doesn't look like a coach capable of handling the current roster, and might just end up being replaced after the season. Beasley, Cook, and James Jones—the only players under contract for 2010-11—don't resemble much of a core to round out a contending roster.?Coming into the year there was no guise about what the plan was in Miami; a major free agent acquisition has been Pat Riley's aim for the last two years. But what makes this roster appealing to LeBron James or Chris Bosh beyond Wade?There are 23 games left in the season and that's more than enough time to turn things around. With Wade targeting a Tuesday return for the Heat's game against the Golden State Warriors, the team's record will likely improve. But the rest of the year needs to be about more than that. Beasley, Cook, and Chalmers need to step up.Or it might be a whole lot harder to convince this year's New York Jets jersey
free agents Miami is worth coming to. If things don't change, this roster won't look any more appealing than Chicago, New York, L.A.C., Sacramento, or New Jersey.?Without a slamdunk in free agency, Miami won't be in the conversation of championship contenders even if they do manage to resign Wade. The 2009-10 season has plenty to do with that outcome. The 23 games left will play a pivotal role in deciding it.


8 Jan 11 An Honest Assesment of Joe Dumars: What Have You Done for Us Lately?

Tom Pidgeon/Getty ImagesFirst off, I need to preface this article with a quick confession. I have been probably the most unabashed Joe Dumars apologist ever to claim the Detroit Pistons as his own. I love Dumars. My childhood was spent watching, adoring, and admiring the Pistons great.While Isiah Thomas was always my favorite player, Dumars was easily the most respected player on the team. People could mock or criticize any of our players save for the diminutive guard from McNeese State.He was untouchable.The same could be said for Philadelphia Eagles jersey
his tenure as president of the Pistons. Through his bold and gutsy moves, he built one of the best teams of the millennium, if not all time.Some of his moves included: fleecing the Orlando Magic in the sign and trade for Grant Hill, grabbing franchise cornerstone Ben Wallace and Chucky Atkins for a player that was going to leave anyways, signing Chauncey Billups for pennies on the dollar when many had written him off as a bust, and trading Jerry Stackhouse for Rip Hamilton despite the rumblings that it would backfire.However, the coup de grace was the move in which he stole Rasheed Wallace (with an assist from the Boston Celtics) for a draft pick and spare parts. This move (combined with bringing in coach Larry Brown) helped Detroit claim their first title of the new millennium.Again, he was untouchable.As a result, myself and others have continued to view Dumars through rose-colored glasses. He could do no wrong, right? He is Joe, and Joe knows best, right?Recently, I had the opportunity to have a discussion with one of this forum's newest (and one of the more talented) writers about whether or not Dumars deserved to receive the type of unmitigated faith that we have thrown at him.He argued that since his decision to trade Chauncey Billups, Dumars has made some very curious moves to say the least. Basically, he called him out.Instinctively, I wanted to come to the aid of my hero. But as I began to appraise the former All Star honestly, I came to a stunning realization: Dumars' strange moves can actually be traced back a bit further.Since his universally praised Rasheed Wallace trade, Dumars has not exactly been batting .300. In fact, an argument could be made that his average is south of the Mendoza line.Let's examine his moves. First, the draft pick that he gave up in the Wallace deal turned out to be Josh Smith. Sure, there was no way to know this at the time, and of course you still have to make the move that puts you over the top, but Smith looks pretty good right now, and would be a nice addition to this Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
team.Second, he decided to re-sign a then 30-year-old Wallace instead of a then 25-year-old Mehmet Okur.Wallace went on to frustrate fans with his inconsistent play, the epitome of which being the three-point shot he allowed Robert Horry to shoot in the 2005 NBA Finals, which arguably cost Detroit a second title. Wallace never averaged more than 15 points and eight rebounds per game over his subsequent Detroit years.Okur went on to become one of the preeminent big men in the game, averaging 16 points and eight rebounds over that same period of time, more than three points and one rebound more than Wallace.What's more is that Okur just turned 30 and has plenty of basketball life left in him.Third, Dumars traded Chauncey Billups for Allen Iverson. Sure, the Pistons were probably reaching the end of their reign, but Billups is still tearing it up in Denver, and he looks like he may have five more years left in him.Even if the Pistons didn't win it all last year, they would have contended. Add a couple decent acquisitions with Wallace's expiring contract and they could have been right in the thick of things again this year.Instead, Iverson deep-sixed the team and the Pistons were crushed in the first round.Fourth, Dumars extended the contract of Rip Hamilton when he really did not have to do so. Now, the Pistons are on the hook for nearly $13 million in each of the next three years.Fifth, Dumars signed Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva. While Gordon is talented, he was brought into a log-jam situation at shooting guard without an end in sight due to Hamilton's unmovable contract. So therefore, Dumars made Hamilton un-tradeable and then went out and got his replacement.Villanueva, on the other hand, would be a good value if he were able to build on his numbers of a year ago16 points and seven rebounds per game.Instead, he has found himself in coach John Kuester's doghouse and is averaging only 12 points and five rebounds per game. Furthermore, he appears to be completely incapable of playing defense.So what exactly is Dumars up to?Prior to this season, Dumars implied that his team was going to have to adapt to a changing NBA landscape that stresses scoring over defense. So what has Dumars' new team been able to do on the scoring end? Detroit has gone fromSan Diego Chargers jersey
the third worst scoring average in the game to the second worst scoring average, falling a full point.And there isn't exactly a lot of help on the horizon. While Dumars did a great job of drafting this past season, none of Detroit's three rookies truly address the Pistons two greatest needsa strong, consistent low post scoring big man and a true point guard.Detroit will have very little cap space next season, with only Prince's expiring contract as an attractive trading chip. Sure, they could get lucky again and get a top two pick in the upcoming draft lottery and get either their true point guard or a dominant big man, but betting on the lottery has led to more misery than glory.Instead, Detroit will likely have a pick no higher than the fifth overall selection, but do you really want Dumars making that selection?Let's take a look at Dumars' first round selections since he took over in 1999: Mateen Cleaves, Rodney White, Prince, Darko Milicic, Carlos Delfino, Jason Maxiell, Rodney Stuckey, Aron Afflalo, D.J. White, and Austin Daye.Obviously it is too early to judge Daye, and Prince, Maxiell, and Stuckey have enjoyed varying levels of success with this organization. However, every time he has had the opportunity to draft an impact player in the lottery, he has failed miserably.Take a look at some of the players he missed out on: Instead of Cleaves, he could have drafted Hedo Turkoglu; instead of White, he could have drafted Joe Johnson, Zach Randolph, Gerald Wallace, or Richard Jefferson; instead of Delfino, he could have had Leandro Barbosa, Kendrick Perkins, or Josh Howard; instead of Maxiell he could have had David Lee.And even though Stuckey may still turn into a star, he could have drafted Aaron Brooks, who is arguably one of the top 10 point guards in the game.Of course I could point out who San Francisco 49ers jersey
came after Milicic in the 2003 draft, but it is just too heartbreaking to do so.The bottom line is this: The Detroit Pistons are currently for sale and a potential new owner has to view Dumars as less of an asset than a liability.For the first time in my life I believe the following: It is time for Dumars to leave. A heartbreaking realization that sadly will probably not come to fruition.The fact of the matter is that Joe Dumars is no longer untouchable.